APSR Advocacy

APSR members, assemblies and en bloc societies are keen advocates for improved patient health, community health and health policies in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

Many members have already given their support for the Charter for Lung Health, joining over 6,000 other people who are concerned for better lung health in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world.

But to make our voices heard, we need to collect 100,000 online signatures before the petition is delivered to the Director-General of the WHO. and members of the World Health Assembly.

  • It takes just a few seconds to enter your name and email address to the online petition.
  • You don't have to subscribe to anything.
  • You don't have to pay anything.
  • Just click here to show that you care.

The APSR also collaborates with agencies such as:

Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)
Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD)

These and other agencies organise activities for 'World Days' which the APSR keenly promotes.

The most recent press releases and notices are shown below, together with previous papers which may be of use to researchers.

World Days

AIDS Asthma Bronchiectasis COPD Environment1 Lung Lung Cancer No tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
1 Dec 1st Tuesday
in May
1 Jul 3rd Wednesday
in Nov
5 Jun 25 Sep 1 Aug Mar or May 12 Nov 24 Mar
2024 Asthma No Tobacco Tuberculosis
2023 AIDS Asthma Bronchiectasis COPD Environment
Lung Lung Cancer No Tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2022 AIDS Asthma Bronchiectasis COPD Lung No Tobacco 3 Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2021 AIDS Asthma i
Asthma ii
- COPD Lung Lung Cancer No Tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2020 AIDS - COPD Environment Lung i
Lung ii
Lung Cancer No Tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2019 AIDS Asthma - COPD (1) Lung Lung Cancer No Tobacco Tuberculosis
2018 AIDS Asthma - COPD Lung No Tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2017 AIDS Asthma - COPD (1) Lung Lung Cancer No Tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2016 AIDS Asthma - Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2015 AIDS Asthma - COPD Lung2 Lung Cancer No Tobacco Pneumonia Tuberculosis
2014 Asthma -

(1) Environment: This World Day has been held since 1972 but only featured by FIRS in 2020. Earlier years saw similar FIRS announcements, such as 2017 Air Quality and 2019 Air Pollution

(2) 2015: Lung: FIRS launches "Decade of the Lung"

(3) Tobacco: Joint statement on the implications of Philip Morris International’s acquisition of Vectura