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July 2024
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530Recommendations from The Medical Education Editor
Mark Lavercombe MBBS, SpecCertClinLead, MClinEd, FRACP, FCCP, FAPSR
533Surgical lung biopsy for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Is the risk–benefit ratio changing
Ian N Glaspole, Lauren K Troy

See related article
535The challenge of interpreting diminished mid-expiratory flow in the presence of normal FEV1 and FVC
Andre Gie PhD, Pierre Goussard PhD

See related article
537Connecting the dots: Tracing the tuberculosis–diabetes link across time
Simone E Barry BMed, MPHTM, MPH-Epi, PhD

See related article
539Treatable traits—Where we are, where we are headed
Vanessa Marie McDonald BNurs, RN, PhD, Peter Gerard Gibson MBBS, FRACP, DM
542Protecting children from tobacco industry interference
Matthew Peters MD, FRACP, Moya Vandeleur MB, BCh, BAO, MRCPI, FRACP, PhD
545Rethinking the need for increased clinical and radiological awareness of incidentally discovered interstitial lung abnormalities on CT chest
Stefano Palmucci MD, Linda Reali MD, Gianluca Sambataro MD, Antonio Basile MD, Carlo Vancheri MD, PhD
548Global challenges and disparities of care for interstitial lung disease
Sheetu Singh MD, Nazia Chaudhuri MD, Bodhika Samarasekera MD
Treatable Traits - Personalised Medicine for Life in Airway Disease
551Treatable traits in pre-COPD: Time to extend the treatable traits paradigm beyond established disease
Shyamali C Dharmage, Rosa Faner, Alvar Agustí
563World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP) guidelines on airway stenting for malignant central airway obstruction
Udit Chaddha, Abhinav Agrawal, Jonathan Kurman, Rosamaria Ortiz-Comino, Herve Dutau, Lutz Freitag, Rocco Trisolini, Christophe Dooms, Lina Zuccatosta, Stefano Gasparini, Felix Herth, Hideo Saka, Pyng Lee, David Fielding, Masahide Oki, Antoni Rosell, Septimiu Murgu
574Contemporary Concise Review 2023: Environmental and occupational lung diseases
Kazuhiro Yatera, Chinatsu Nishida
Interstitial Lung Disease
Lung ultrasound is a promising screening tool to rule out interstitial lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
M Otaola, F Paulin, M Rosemffet, J Balcazar, M Perandones, P Orausclio, T Cazenave, S Rossi, S Marciano, E Schneeberger, G Citera

Lung ultrasound is a sensitive diagnostic tool for detecting ILD in RA patients. It is a promising, cost-effective and point-of-care option for ILD screening within this patient population.

596Impact of surgical lung biopsy on lung function and survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a multi-centre registry cohort
Veronica Marcoux, Stacey D Lok, Prosanta Mondal, Deborah Assayag, Jolene H Fisher, Shane Shapera, Julie Morisset, Hélène Manganas, Charlene D Fell, Nathan Hambly, P Gerard Cox, Martin Kolb, Andrea S Gershon, Teresa To, Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Nasreen Khalil, Alyson W Wong, Pearce G Wilcox, Christopher J Ryerson, Thao Vu, Kerri A Johannson

The diagnostic evaluation for suspected idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) may include surgical lung biopsy to obtain histopathology. In our study, we found no evidence of accelerated lung function decline or increased risk of death or lung transplantation in patients with IPF who underwent surgical lung biopsy.

See related editorial
Lung Function
605Combining small airway parameters with conventional parameters obtained during spirometry to diagnose airflow obstruction: A cross-sectional study
Zhufeng Wang, Junfeng Lin, Lina Liang, Yun Li, Jinhai Huang, Yi Gao, Jinping Zheng

In spirometry, it is important to consider both large airway parameters (i.e., forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and the ratio of FEV1 to FVC (FEV1/FVC)) and small airway parameters (i.e., forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of FVC (FEF25%–75%) and forced expiratory flow at 50% and 75% of FVC (FEF50% and FEF75%, respectively) to prevent missing a diagnosis of airflow obstruction.

See related editorial
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
614Effect of off-label targeted drugs on long-term survival in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Insights from a national multicentre prospective registry
Wanying Xia, Yuling Qian, Yangyi Lin, Ruilin Quan, Yuanhua Yang, Zhenwen Yang, Hongyan Tian, Shengqing Li, Jieyan Shen, Yingqun Ji, Qing Gu, Huijun Han, Changming Xiong, Jianguo He

The study demonstrates that off-label use of pulmonary arterial hypertension medication improves long-term survival in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. This is a national, multicentre, prospective registry with a large sample size and low rate of loss to follow-up. The efficacy is more transparent after rigorously reducing bias.

624Effect of complicated, untreated and uncontrolled diabetes and pre-diabetes on treatment outcome among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Kyung Hoon Kim, Hyung Woo Kim, Yong Hyun Kim, Yeonhee Park, Sung Soo Jung, Jin Woo Kim, Jee Youn Oh, Heayon Lee, Sung Kyoung Kim, Sun-Hyung Kim, Jiwon Lyu, Yousang Ko, Sun Jung Kwon, Yun-Jeong Jeong, Do Jin Kim, Hyeon-Kyoung Koo, Yangjin Jegal, Sun Young Kyung, Sung Soon Lee, Jae Seuk Park, Ju Sang Kim, Jinsoo Min

The effect of various stages of diabetis mellitus (DM) on the outcomes of patients with tuberculosis (TB) was analysed. Untreated and complicated DM at the time of TB diagnosis increased the risk of unfavourable outcomes.

See related editorial
Respirology Column
633VCD/ILO: Seeing and believing
Philip Bardin FRACP, PhD
635Childhood disadvantage—Factoring it in
Diane M Gray MBChB, FRACP(Paed), PHD
Letter from Asia-Pacific and Beyond
637Letter from Japan
Shuhei Ideguchi MD, PhD, Kazuko Yamamoto MD, PhD
640Evaluating artificial intelligence responses to respiratory medicine questions
Hong Luo, Jisong Yan, Xia Zhou


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Special Issue: Occupational Lung Health
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Supplement: APSR Assembly Virtual Meetings
2021 JanVol. 26 Issue 1
2020 DecVol. 25 Issue 12
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2020 NovVol. 25 Issue s2
Essential update in lung cancer medicine
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Special issue: Interventional Pulmonoogy pearls
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2018 NovVol. 23 Issue 11
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2018 MarVol. 23 Issue 3
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2017 NovVol. 22 Supplement 3
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2017 JulyVol. 22 Issue 5
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2017 MarVol. 22 Supplement 2
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2017 MarVol. 22 Supplement 1
Airway Vista abstracts
2017 FebVol. 22 Issue 2
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2016 NovVol. 21 Supplement 3
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2016 NovVol. 21 Issue 8
2016 OctVol. 21 Issue 7
2016 AugVol. 21 Issue 6
2016 JulVol. 21 Issue 5
2016 MayVol. 21 Issue 4
2016 AprVol. 21 Supplement 2
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2015 DecVol. 20 Supplement 3
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2014 AprVol. 19 Issue 3
2014 AprVol. 19 Supplement 2
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Airway Inflammation
2014 FebVol. 19 Issue 2
2014 JanVol. 19 Issue 1
2013 NovVol. 18 Issue 8
2013 OctVol. 18 Supplement 4
APSR Congress Abstracts
2013 NovVol. 18 Supplement 3
Airway Inflammation
2013 OctVol. 18 Issue 7
2013 AugVol. 18 Issue 6
2013 JulVol. 18 Issue 5
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2013 AprVol. 18 Issue 3
2013 AprVol. 18 Supplement 2
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2012 DecVol. 17 Supplement 2
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2011 NovVol. 16 Issue 8
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2011 OctVol. 16 Issue 7
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2011 AprVol. 16 Supplement 1
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2011 FebVol. 16 Issue 2
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2010 NovVol. 15 Supplement 2
APSR Congress Abstracts
2010 NovVol. 15 Issue 8
2010 OctVol. 15 Issue 7
2010 AugVol. 15 Issue 6
2010 JulVol. 15 Issue 5
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2010 AprVol. 15 Issue 3
2010 MarVol. 15 Supplement 1
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2010 FebVol. 15 Issue 2
2010 JanVol. 15 Issue 1
2009 NovVol. 14 Issue 8
2009 NovVol. 14 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2009 OctVol. 14 Supplement 2
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2009 SepVol. 14 Issue 7
2009 Vol. 14 Issue 6
2009 JulVol. 14 Issue 5
2009 MayVol. 14 Issue 4
2009 AprVol. 14 Issue 3
2009 AprVol. 14 Supplement 1
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2009 MarVol. 14 Issue 2
2009 JanVol. 14 Issue 1
2008 NovVol. 13 Issue 7
2008 NovVol. 13 Supplement 5
APSR Congress Abstracts
2008 NovVol. 13 Supplement 4
Lung Disease
2008 SepVol. 13 Issue 6
2008 SepVol. 13 Supplement 3
2008 JulVol. 13 Issue 5
2008 JunVol. 13 Issue 4
2008 MayVol. 13 Issue 3
2008 AprVol. 13 Supplement 2
ANZSRS and TSANZ Abstracts
2008 MarVol. 13 Supplement 1
ESAP Abstracts
2008 MarVol. 13 Issue 2
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2007 NovVol. 12 Supplement 4
APSR Congress Abstracts
2007 NovVol. 12 Supplement 3
2007 NovVol. 12 Issue 6
2007 SepVol. 12 Issue 5
2007 JulVol. 12 Issue 4
2007 MayVol. 12 Supplement 2
ESAP Abstracts
2007 MayVol. 12 Issue 3
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2007 MarVol. 12 Issue 2
2007 JanVol. 12 Issue 1
2006 NovVol. 11 Supplement 5
APSR Congress Abstracts
2006 NovVol. 11 Issue 6
2006 SepVol. 11 Supplement 4
Guidelines: Cough
2006 SepVol. 11 Supplement 3
Guidelines: Respiratory Infections
2006 SepVol. 11 Issue 5
2006 JulVol. 11 Issue 4
2006 MayVol. 11 Issue 3
2006 MarVol. 11 Supplement 2
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2006 MarVol. 11 Issue 2
2006 JanVol. 11 Supplement 1
Surfactant Molecular Pathophysiology
2006 JanVol. 11 Issue 1
2005 NovVol. 10 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2005 NovVol. 10 Supplement 2
Respiratory function tests
2005 NovVol. 10 Issue 5
2005 SepVol. 10 Issue 4
2005 JunVol. 10 Issue 3
2005 MarVol. 10 Supplement 1
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2005 MarVol. 10 Issue 2
2005 JanVol. 10 Issue 1
2004 DecVol. 9 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2004 NovVol. 9 Issue 4
2004 AugVol. 9 Issue 3
2004 JunVol. 9 Issue 2
2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 2
APSR Congress Abstracts
2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 1
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2004 MarVol. 9 Issue 1
2003 DecVol. 8 Issue 4
2003 NovVol. 8 Supplement 1
2003 SepVol. 8 Issue 3
2003 JunVol. 8 Issue 2
2003 AprVol. 8 Supplement 2
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2003 MarVol. 8 Issue 1
2002 DecVol. 7 Issue 4
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2002 JunVol. 7 Issue 2
2002 MarVol. 7 Supplement 1
APSR Congress Abstracts
2002 MarVol. 7 Issue 1
2001 DecVol. 6 Issue 4
2001 SepVol. 6 Issue 3
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Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases
2001 JunVol. 6 Issue 2
2001 MarVol. 6 Issue 1
2000 DecVol. 5 Issue 4
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