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25 October 2021 - Listening & Learning podcast series

Tune in to hear how immunization professionals around the globe have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit to listen to the latest episodes.

Episode 1: Lessons from the Frontline: COVID-19 Mass Vaccination

This episode dives into the practical, tactical, and technical aspects of setting up and implementing mass vaccination sites. With insights from the frontline vaccine delivery team Curative and the World Health Organization (WHO), the episode offers insights on how to prepare frontline healthcare workers to ensure timely and efficient delivery of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Episode 2: Pivoting in the Pandemic: Vaccine Research to Vaccination Practice

This episode shares lessons from the Sisonke Study, a phase 3B open label study that provided pre-emergency use access to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine to health workers in South Africa. Researchers share scientific, regulatory, and ethical considerations needed to move rapidly from a clinical trial setup to active vaccination sites.

Episode 3: Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccines Deployment: Guidelines & Insights for Healthcare Workers

This episode features an interview with Ann Lindstrand, the Unit Head for the Essential Programme on Immunization at WHO. Dr Lindstrand answers specific questions from the Boost Community around vaccine efficacy, hesitancy, and equity particularly around COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, and provides insights on how WHO is supporting the global vaccine roll-out.

COVID-19 news from WHO: 28 July 2021

New COVID-19 vaccine resources

With an expected vaccine delivery ramp-up and uptake surge in the next months, coordination and preparedness will be key to ensure the maximal use of COVID-19 vaccines. Countries are encouraged to update their national deployment and vaccination plans and costing through the Partners Platform, which will help access needs and resource gaps - including delivery costing - in preparation for vaccine roll-out. The COVAX Country Readiness and Delivery workstream is finalizing guidance and tools to support preparedness.

Please see below some recently published updates to the COVID-19 vaccine introduction toolkit, which is available in AR CH EN FR RU SP.

New guidance

The updated Guidance on Developing a National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for COVID-19 vaccines (2.0) is available online, with new information on a number of areas, including updated additional resources at the end of each chapter.

Vaccines costing and funding

New resources on vaccines costing and funding aim to facilitate national deployment and vaccination plans submission, including a pre-populated version of the COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction and deployment Costing tool (CVIC tool): CVIC 2.2 EZ tool for AMC92 countries, with most of the input cells pre-filled with global estimates.

The COVID-19 vaccination costing Q&A provides a basic introduction to the importance of a good costing exercise for COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, how it can be done, and how to seek technical assistance.

"What is the CVIC tool?" video is available in English, French and Spanish.

The OpenWHO course CVIC tool: using the COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction and deployment Costing Tool targets national programme managers and personnel who have been involved in the costing, budgeting or financing processes of COVID-19 vaccine delivery at the country level.

Technical support on the use of the CVIC tool is available. The World Health Organization (WHO) Costing Team can be reached at:

Learn more about vaccines costing and funding

No-fault compensation

The COVAX No-Fault Compensation Program webpage brings more information on NFC for Advance Market Commitment (AMC) Eligible Economies. The Program provides fair, no-fault, lump sum compensation to eligible individuals who suffer certain serious adverse events after receiving vaccines distributed through the COVAX Facility until 30 June 2022.

COVAX No-Fault Compensation Program for AMC-Eligible Economies

Target populations and delivery strategies


New and updated resources

Vaccine safety

Vaccine effectiveness

NEW Addendum: Guidance on Conducting Vaccine Effectiveness evaluations in the setting of new SARS-CoV-2 variants. This resource addresses specific issues to consider when evaluating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness using observational study designs in the setting of new SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Training opportunities

Please join the WHO Costing, Budgeting, Financing and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines webinars, with interpretation into French and Spanish.

Upcoming sessions:

  • July 28: COVID-19 Vaccination: Costing for scale-up (15:00 - 16:30 CET)
  • Aug 25: Financing alone is not enough - planning & executing on the budget (12:00 - 13:00 CET)

Register here

Access session materials and recordings here

Access TechNet21 for webinar materials and discussion fora

Mini-cPIE (COVID-19 vaccination IAR) Clinic 1

Join the experience sharing clinic on how countries are reviewing their COVID-19 vaccine roll-out through WHO COVID-19 vaccination intra-action review (IAR), also known as mini-cPIE.

When: 28 July 12:30-1:30 pm CET with interpretation into French and Spanish.

Register here

Have questions or suggestions?

Consultation on COVID-19 vaccines research

When: 13 August, 1:00-5:00 pm CET

The objective of this consultation is to review the available evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines being deployed in terms of:

  • Emerging variants effect on protection levels
  • Duration of protection
  • Safety of booster vaccines
  • Research to evaluate various delivery strategies

Register here

Call for experts

The WHO is inviting anyone interested in serving on the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization to consider applying for inclusion on the newly established SAGE Roster. This call seeks to identify candidates that can be retained in a roster of experts from which a selection for new SAGE members could take place as the need arises.

Deadline for applications: 10 Sep 2021

Learn more

COVID-19 news from WHO: 21 May 2021

New COVID-19 vaccine resources

As we gear towards the 74th World Health Assembly, which will take place virtually from 24 May to 1 June 2021 in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we reflect on the progress made in terms of vaccines introduction and roll-out. More than 120 COVAX participants have now received at least one shipment of COVID-19 vaccines, with over 58.2 million doses delivered as of 11 May. These achievements were only possible due to the unwavering commitment by partners and immunization professionals around the world.

Please see below some recently published updates to the COVID-19 vaccine introduction toolkit, which is available in AR CH EN FR RU SP.


The COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction and deployment Costing Tool (CVIC tool) supports credible COVID-19 vaccination costing to facilitate a dialogue with stakeholders, while maintaining sensitivity to protecting essential health services. It provides a structured and comprehensive estimation of incremental operational and selected capital costs of introducing and deploying COVID-19 vaccines, in alignment with the National Deployment and Vaccination Plan (NDVP). This is essential for resource mobilization, budgeting, and delivery strategy refinement and optimization.

The tool has been pre-populated with data from global databases and provides a total cost estimate for an immunization programme over the period of 2021-2023, after which COVID-19 vaccination is expected to be integrated into national immunization plans.

Countries can customize the priority target populations based on the WHO SAGE guidance and select multiple delivery strategies and vaccine products. The tool is available in all six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and Portuguese.

Countries can submit their resource needs onto the WHO COVID-19 Partners Platform by either uploading a completed CVIC 2.1 tool excel spreadsheet or manually entering their resource needs. The cost categories for technical assistance and funding resource requests through the platform are harmonized into the nine common costing categories outlined in the NDVP Guidance 2.0.

Learn more about vaccines costing and funding

No-fault Compensation Program

The COVAX No-Fault Compensation Program for AMC-Eligible Economies (the “Program”) has been operational since 31 March 2021. The Program’s Protocol (procedure) and Forms - including application and other forms - as well as other relevant Program information and resources are available in English, French and Spanish on the Program’s web portal, which also has instructions on how to submit an application and detailed FAQs to guide interested applicants.

ESIS Inc. will not charge any fees to Program applicants. Eligible individuals will have ample time to apply for compensation under the Program including if a COVAX-distributed vaccine was administered to them before the Program became operational on 31 March 2021.

COVAX No-Fault Compensation Program for AMC-Eligible Economies

Vaccine specific updates

The AstraZeneca vaccine explainer has been updated according to Emergency Use Listing and SAGE recommendations.

The short Janssen vaccine instructional video and the training video on how to identify and manage anaphylaxis are now available online.

Read more about vaccine specific resources

Have questions or suggestions?

Extra doses in a vial

Please check out the job aide that explains Why are there extra doses of vaccine in the vaccine vial and provides guidance for their use. Currently available in: AR CH EN RU SP.

Supportive supervision

You can review the Supportive supervision for COVID-19 vaccination job aide, now available in AR CH EN FR.

Communication flow

The communications flow diagram has been updated and now includes key messaging for pregnant women.

Intra-action review

Intra-action review (also known as the mini COVID-19 Post Introduction Evaluation, or mini-cPIE) documents trigger question database, note taking template, and report template are available in English.

Learn how to use these tools watching the Mini-cPIE (COVID-19 vaccination IAR) - What is it and how to conduct one training, in EN FR RU and SP.

Check out the slide set, available in English.

Training opportunities

Three more sessions remain for the national/sub-national audience of the COVID-19 Vaccination: Building Global Capacity webinars (Tuesdays, 12:00 - 13:00 CET), with live interpretation into French and Spanish.

Upcoming sessions:

  • 18 May - Private Sector Engagement
  • 1 June - Monitoring and Evaluating COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction
  • 15 June - Adaptive leadership for COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction

Register for upcoming ECHO sessions here

Access session materials and recordings here

Access TechNet21 for webinar materials and discussion fora

Calling all volunteers

Do you work on health or immunization? Are you passionate about new and innovative approaches to improving vaccination coverage? If ‘yes’, then we’d like to hear from you!

WHO has developed a set of tools to support immunization programmes with the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines and routine immunization strengthening. We are seeking critical and innovative thinkers to test these tools through telephone interviews in Angola, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.

In partnership with research expert Kantar Public, WHO is looking to interview health professionals, programme managers, health officers and community volunteers involved in planning, delivering and/or advocating for immunization. Register your interest here! Please feel free to share this email with others who may be eligible and interested.

This work is part of a long-standing initiative to develop globally validated tools that support programmes to assess and address the social and behavioral drivers of immunization. This is a multi-partner initiative funded by Gavi and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. If you’d like to hear more about this work, please do not hesitate to email Francine Ganter-Restrepo:

Protection against violence

COVID-19 news from FIRS: 31 March 2021

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies: For the health of everyone, equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines is urgently and quickly needed in all countries

31 March 2021 – An article launched today by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), an organisation comprised of the world's leading international respiratory societies, highlights COVID-19 efficacy and safety and calls for urgent equitable access in all countries.

The speed of development of effective vaccines for COVID-19 has been unprecedented, with several now widely available and in use. COVID-19 vaccination is one of the most pressing global issues. Vaccines are being distributed in more than 85 countries, with cumulatively more than 200 million doses administered globally. However, vaccination is predominantly occurring in high income settings while in many low- and middle-income countries, vaccination has not started or is occurring in very small numbers.

Priority for vaccination should be given to health workers, followed by those who are most vulnerable to develop severe disease and those who are most exposed to infection.

Inequities in global access to vaccination have exposed and worsened large disparities between countries. Countries with the lowest rates of vaccination are also those with the most fragile health systems, lack of infrastructure for widespread vaccination programmes, lack of access to oxygen and other lifesaving interventions and more economically disadvantaged populations. Greater co-operation and collaboration between high-income countries, donor foundations, vaccine manufacturers and low- and middle-income countries is needed to ensure access to vaccines on a not-for-profit basis, equitable distribution, and sustained programmes to ensure vaccination.

“Vaccines against COVID-19 are a key complimentary intervention to bring the pandemic under control globally. For the health of everyone, equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines is urgently and quickly needed in all countries.” said Mark Cohen, President of FIRS.

The article also explores COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and the rigorous safety standards that have been met.

Vlick this link to open the FIRS Vaccine Equity full article.

Click the square image on the right and download for your Facebook and Instagram posts, and the rectangular image for your Twitter post.

COVID-19 news from WHO: 30 March 2021

Dear colleague,

The COVID-19 vaccine introduction toolkit is now available in all UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. We will update these pages as more resources become available. For questions, comments or feedback, please e-mail:

Please check out these new resources added to the Toolkit to support COVID-19 vaccination:

COVID-19 Vaccine Specific Resources

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Guidance

COVID-19 Vaccination Capacity Training Resources

  • The Health Worker COVID-19 Vaccination course is now available in various languages: AR, CH, EN, FR, RU, SP and also in Dutch, Indonesian, Macedonian and Vietnamese. If you’d like to request access to the presentations, please email
  • The COVID-19 immunization checklist, an important job aid for health workers,is also available in new language versions. AR, EN, FR, RU, SP, PT.
  • The COVID-19 Vaccination: Building Global Capacity webinars continue every Tuesday from 12:00 to 13:00 CET (interpretation into French and Spanish). Webinar materials are available through TechNet-21. For registration links and additional resources, please visit the Project ECHO website.
30 MarHealth WorkersReporting on COVID-19 vaccines (monitoring and AEFI)
06 AprNational/SubnationalVaccination strategies for COVID-19
13 AprHealth WorkersSupply and
20 AprNational/SubnationalMobilizing financing resources to scale-up COVID-19

Covid-19 vaccine update from WHO: 17 March

Dear Colleagues

Please note that TPs [Talking Points] regarding various European countries suspending batches or temporarily halting the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, are available. As this is an ongoing topic please contact Kate Thompson ( for the latest TPs.

Due to concerns about the size of the talking points document, some sections of previously cleared language have been moved into an annex. [See annex at]

Revisions & updates to the content are highlighted grey. Substantive revisions have been made to:

  • Threat of COVAX being sued
  • Black market usage of vaccines and/or packaging
  • Vaccine passports
  • Reactive statements to news stories: EU blocking exports & reports of adverse events following immunisation.

We know there are gaps in the talking points and are working on developing TPs on the below topics

  • Vaccine pricing
  • Supporting national authorisation after EUL

COVID-19 Vaccine Digital Content:

COVID-19 DIGITAL CONTENT UPDATE – has a section that features new vaccine content. Sign up here.

Please read and share this series of explainers on vaccines (each web page links to “resources” where you will find assets in various formats, languages and editable art files for your adaption and use):

[The links below are in English. For other languages, please see the WHO webpage here.]

  1. How do vaccines work?
  2. How are vaccines developed?
  3. Manufacturing, safety and quality control of vaccines
  4. The different types of COVID-19 vaccines
  5. How will there be fair and equitable allocation of limited supplies?
  6. Country readiness for COVID-19 vaccines
  7. NEW: The effects of virus variants on COVID-19 vaccines

NEW: All Vaccines Explained content

All Covid-19 Vaccine videos

All Covid-19 Vaccine information

COVID-19 vaccine country readiness and delivery

The COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and demand package

COVID-19 vaccine-specific resources




NEW:Johnson & Johnson

Technical guidance

COVID-19 vaccine country readiness and delivery

The COVID-19 vaccine demand package includes guidance, tools, and templates to generate acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines.

COVAX specific resources

Diane Abad-Vergara
Communications Officer
Department of Communications
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland

Office: +41 (0)22 791 2183
Mobile: +41 (0)79 200 5878

Covid-19 vaccine update from WHO: 15 March

The WHO have asked us to share a copy of their Talking Points, a 45-page Word file you can see at

Here are the main section headings and some related questions. Comprehensive answers are given in the Talking Points document.

  • COVAX and equitable access
  • Vaccine Quality and Safety
  • Vaccine distribution
  • Facts and figures at a glance
  • The COVAX Pillar funding needs
    1. WHO’s work on vaccines
      1. Development of target product profiles and clinical trial advice
      2. Regulatory and policy
      3. Global mapping of vaccines in development
      4. Fair allocation framework - FAQs
        • Why did some countries receive COVAX delivery earlier than others?
        • When will the next allocation round begin?
        • Billions of COVID-19 vaccines doses will be needed in the coming months and vaccines are likely to appear with different efficacy levels. How will decisions be made as to which countries receive which vaccines?
        • What does an effective vaccine rollout strategy look like? How important is it to have a good reporting system?
        • Is COVAX concerned about changes to supply timelines due to demand from countries bilateral agreements with manufacturers?
        • Response to questions about the threat of Covax being sued
        • WHO position on teachers being vaccinated
        • What will happen if there is more than one vaccine to allocate?
      5. EUL and PQ process - FAQs
        • Response to criticism that the WHO is slow to regulate vaccines from China & Russia
        • Questions on Countries allowing vaccines before EUL & SRA
        • Why did it take so long for WHO to assess AZ vaccine?
        • What is the difference between the EUL process and SAGE?
      6. Vaccine rollout and distribution - FAQs
        • Why are there two AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine needing EUL & separate agreements with COVAX?
      7. SAGE policy recommendations for priority population groups
        • Relating specifically to Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, the WHO interim recommendations (based on SAGE ). Assessed 5th January 2021:
        • Relating specifically to Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, the WHO interim recommendations (based on SAGE). Assessed 8th February 2021
        • Relating specifically to Moderna vaccine, the WHO interim recommendations (Based on SAGE). Assessed 21st January 2021.
        • What is WHO response to French authorities recommending only one shot for people who have had the COVID-19 infection?
      8. Supporting national authorization after WHO EUL
      9. Supporting post-authorization safety monitoring, impact and implementation
      10. Country readiness and delivery
      11. Manufacturing and vaccine distribution - FAQs
        • Has WHO heard of any black market usage of the COVID vaccine (such as refilling vials and selling them 'privately') or whether this is something that WHO have deemed a risk.
        • How does the WHO and the global community prepare for such issues surrounding the medical black market with regards to Covid-19?
      12. Scale up of manufacturing capacity - FAQs
        • Does the WHO believe that the 20% target for 2021 is still realistic given current issues with scaling up manufacturing?
        • Why is there a vaccine “shortage”?
    2. COVAX
      1. What is COVAX?
      2. 2.2 COVAX R&D work
    3. COVAX Facility
      1. The COVAX vaccine portfolio
      2. When will we have the vaccine and return to “normal life”?
    4. WHO positions on:
      1. Access and distribution
      2. Vaccine nationalism - FAQs
        • Dr Tedros referred to countries bilateral deals which are undermining COVAX in a recent speech. Which countries are these?
        • What seems to be happening currently, is that rich countries are buying what little vaccine doses are available with vague assurances that they will share doses in the future with poorer countries. How does WHO think this can be addressed?
        • Is Vaccine nationalism undermining COVAX/Making it a failure?
        • Why were Canada and other rich countries included in the COVAX interim allocation of countries?
        • On why rich countries don’t have to complete an NVDP (reactive)
      3. Vaccine safety – how can we trust the rushed process?
        • Is the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine safe?
        • Are we seeing worse side effects from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine compared with vaccines for other diseases? Is this something to be concerned about?
        • In response to the concerns about AstraZeneca’s vaccine efficacy - will COVAX continue to distribute the AZ vaccine?
        • In response to concerns about Sinovac vaccine after reports of illness after inoculation
        • Are you concerned that COVAX is shipping vaccines that are already out-dated?
      4. Safety and efficacy for different population groups
        • Pregnancy
        • Claims about the vaccine leading to female infertility
        • Inclusion of in people with mental illness in high-priority category for vaccination
        • Claims people died after taking the Pfizer vaccine - how can we verify?
        • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are not Halal
        • Norway
        • Effect of Alcohol on efficacy
      5. Variant strains
        • B.1.1.7
        • B1.351
        • P.1
        • Impact on vaccines
        • What is WHO’s response to the UK variant strain?
      6. Adverse effects following immunization - FAQs
        • Are reports of allergic reactions Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine cause for concern?
        • What is WHO’s advice for people who may have a history of allergic reactions; should they get the vaccine?
        • How will the public know if they are having side-effects caused by the vaccine?
        • Does WHO support setting up an apparatus within countries to respond to people who are experiencing an adverse reaction?
        • Are there concerns that different population groups (eg different sexes, ethnicities and morbidities) could be afforded different levels of protection by COVID vaccines?
      7. Vaccine effectiveness
        • Direct protection vs transmission reduction
      8. National authorisations on vaccine use without SRA or WHO EUL/PQ
      9. COVID Vaccines and WHO/EUL
      10. Country and vaccine-specific information
        • Russian vaccine (Gamaleya, Sputnik Vaccine)
        • Chinese vaccines (Sinopharm (BBIBP and Wuhan Institute), Sinovac, Cansino, and West China Hospital+Sichuan University):
        • Cuban Vaccine (Soberana 1 and Soberana 2):
        • J&J
        • SAGE Interim recommendations regarding Janssen and Janssen were developed on 15 March 2021 and will be available shortly afterwards.
      11. Vaccine uptake/hesitancy
        • How might the WHO perceive vaccine hesitancy/resistance will be impacted by reported errors in the AstraZeneca vaccine’s clinical trials? Are there particular messages that will be more impactful as a result to help mitigate harm?
          1. Fighting misinformation
          2. Promoting public health messages to fill the vacuum
          3. Creating tools to amplify public health messages
      12. Human vaccine and challenge trials
      13. Mandatory vaccinations and vaccination passports
        • Questions regarding vaccine passports within countries
        • Does the WHO support vaccine passports?
        • How are WHO supporting the development of smart vaccine certificates?
      14. Vaccine pricing
        • Are the prices COVAX have agreed with manufacturers been fixed for 2021 and beyond? Once COVAX’s goal of securing access to vaccines to cover 20% of a country’s population is achieved, will poorer countries be subject to higher prices?
    5. Reactive Holding statements / Questions
      • What is the WHO’s advice regarding vaccinating athletes so that they can attend the Olympics Games which may take place in later in 2021?
      • What are WHO thoughts on US joining COVAX?
      • WHO statement on vaccine issues in occupied Palestinian Territories
      • What is the WHO comment on the EU blocking vaccine exports?

Covid-19 vaccine update from WHO: 10 March

We are sharing the new resources available to support COVID-19 vaccines introduction. For these resources and more, please visit the COVID-19 vaccines introduction toolbox, which provides guidance, tools, and training to equip all countries to prepare for and implement COVID-19 vaccination. For questions, comments or feedback, please e-mail:

  • The Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccination guidance provides considerations for: minimum and optional data to collect as vaccines are being rolled out and delivered; key performance indicators and the anticipated use of these—to measure the performance of key components of the immunization system and to take corrective action when needed; and the use of information systems to collect, store, analyze, and disseminate any relevant information. EN
  • COVID-19 vaccination data are now available on the WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard: These data are viewed by selecting "Vaccination" from the dropdown panel on the left-hand side of the map. Currently, the dashboard incorporates information useful to track global vaccine roll-out, including total vaccination doses administered, persons vaccinated with at least one dose, and start date of vaccinations, by country, territory and area. More features (e.g., specifics on vaccine products authorized and administered and data downloads) will be added in the near future.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine-specific resources course haslaunched on OpenWHO! Further videos and resources concerning othervaccines that receive emergency use listing (EUL) or prequalification will be added shortly. This mini-course includes short instructional videos and vaccine explainers on the handling, preparation, and administration of COVID-19 vaccines such as:
    • AstraZeneca: The AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S/nCoV-19 [recombinant] vaccine resource includes key information on the vaccine specific requirements. EN CH FR PT SP
    • Moderna: The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine resource includes key information on the vaccine specific requirements. EN CH FR PT
    • Pfizer/BioNTech: The Pfizer Comirnaty Tozinameran vaccine resource includes key information on the vaccine specific requirements. EN AR CH FR PT RU SP
  • More information is now available about the COVAX No-Fault Compensation (NFC) Program for AMC Eligible Economies.The Program will be operational by 31 March 2021, with a web portal available at Further information about the Program is available through this presentation which provides an overview of the Program. EN
  • The COVID-19 vaccine checklist for frontline health workers job aid helps health workers to prepare and complete a COVID-19 vaccination session at a fixed post or outreach session. EN
  • The COVID-19 Vaccination: Building Global Capacity webinars held by WHO and partners continueevery Tuesday from 12:00 to 13:00 CET (Interpretation into French and Spanish). You can watch the recordings of previous webinars and register for upcoming sessions here. Topics include:
    16 MarchHealth workersVaccine safety
    23 MarchNational/subnationalGenerating acceptance & demand for COVID-19 vaccines
    30 MarchHealth workersReporting on COVID-19 vaccines (monitoring and AEFI)
    6 AprilNational/subnationalVaccination strategies for COVID-19 vaccination

WHO: February 2021

The WHO, UNICEF, Gavi and many other partners are working together to support countries in preparing for COVID-19 vaccination. Guidance, tools, and training are available to support Ministries of Health, health workers, partner organizations and others for COVID-19 vaccines rollout. These materials can be accessed on the COVID-19 vaccines country readiness and delivery section of the WHO website.

New WHO resources include:

  • The COVID-19 vaccine demand package, which includes guidance, tools, and templates to generate acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines.
    • Acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines: guidance for overall planning, 31 January 2021. Access link here
    • Acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines: planning template in Excel, 31 January 2021. Access link here
    • Data for action: achieving high uptake of COVID-19 vaccines through measuring behavioral and social drivers, 3 February 2021. Access link here
    • Conducting community engagement for COVID-19 vaccines, 31 January 2021. Access link here
    • COVID-19 vaccines: misinformation management guide, December 2020. Access link here
  • COVID-19 vaccine specific resources

    WHO has developed vaccine-specific resources for COVID-19 vaccines that receive emergency use listing or prequalification. Additional resources and translations will be available shortly.

    • Pfizer
    • Moderna
      • SAGE Interim recommendations for use of the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine against COVID-19 English
      • Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine explainer English
  • Supply and logistics guidance
    • COVID-19 vaccination: Supply and logistics guidance helps national and subnational supply and logistics focal points to prepare and strengthen their supply chain strategies to receive, store, distribute and manage the COVID-19 vaccines and their ancillary products, in line with their national deployment and vaccination plan (NDVP). Access link here
    • WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization Forecasting tool explains how to forecast the needs for vaccines, equipment for safe vaccination, as well as cold chain and ambient storage capacities for national immunization programmes. Access link here
  • Training materials

WHO - January 2021

Accelerator's Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, focused on supporting readiness for the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines.

The CRD workstream is working on information materials, tools and training to support you, including a webpage with all the existing and upcoming  country readiness and delivery resources (i.e. articles, briefs, and frequently asked questions), guidance documents such as the  Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines, and tools such as the COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction Readiness Assessment Tool – VIRAT/VRAF 2.0.  Additionally, they are working on tools to support local strategies to generate acceptance and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. These materials will be available via the CRD webpage shortly.

A range of COVID-19 vaccine introduction training packages are also available on OpenWHO  and include e-learning modules, slides, and job aides. Two courses have recently been released:

Respiratory Updates articles on the coronavirus:

The Respiratory Updates a special edition for January 2021: COVID-19, one year on

20 December 2020

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), an organisation comprised of the world's leading international respiratory societies, calls for urgent access to affordable COVID-19 vaccines globally.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected more than 72 million people worldwide and resulted in more than 1.6 million deaths to date. No country has been spared, and throughout the world this pandemic has placed a huge burden on health systems and on economies. Many countries are now experiencing a second wave of infections, which are more severe than the first initial wave. The elderly and those with underlying vulnerabilities including diabetes, chronic lung or heart disease, hypertension, obesity or immunosuppression are at higher risk for developing severe disease.

Incredibly, less than a year after the start of the pandemic, effective, safe vaccines are now being approved for emergency use and some countries have already started vaccinating their citizens. The rapid development and authorisation of these vaccines must be accompanied by close monitoring for further guidance and optimal use. However, roll out of vaccines is currently predominantly in high-income countries. There is an urgent need for affordable vaccines to be made available in low- and middle-income countries, especially as there may be limited access to health care and to life saving supportive therapy including oxygen in these settings.

"Now is a critical time in the fight against COVID-19. We need to ensure affordable, equitable access, transparency and fair distribution of approved vaccines to protect people in all countries." said Stephanie Levine, MD President of FIRS. "This pandemic has affected people around the world and we now need a global effort to ensure that all countries can access preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures to beat it."

About FIRS

Defunding the World Health Organisation (WHO)
17 April 2020
The Forum of International Respiratory Societies urges governments around the world to continue to support the WHO in the fight against COVID-19.

"More now than ever, the world's nations need to band together and pool resources in order to fight this global pandemic. Defunding WHO at such a critical time in our history is a dangerous step in the wrong direction.
FIRS urges the United States government and President Trump to immediately reconsider its decision,"
said Stephanie Levine, MD. President of FIRS.
Thank you messages from the Asia-Pacific region to the APSR members and all healthcare workers fighting COVID-19
14 April 2020

(Click here if you cannot use Instagram)

Cancellations and postponements
February 2020

Inevitably, many planned conferences have been, and will be, rescheduled. Any such events we are made aware of are reflected in the calendar page. (Please inform the APSR Secretariat if you know of changes to any other event not shown on the Calendar.)

One of the most significant changes is to the APSR Congress in Kyoto originally scheduled for 15-18 October 2020, which will now take place a year later on 20-21 November 2021. The venue in Kyoto is unchanged.

The other significant change is for the APSR Congress in Seoul, which had been originally scheduled for 18-21 November 2021, and consequently will now take place on 17-20 November 2022.

By that time, we hope the coronavirus will be no longer a news item!

(No Covid-related Respirology articles published in the last few weeks)

Earlier Respirology articles on COVID-19
(Click again
to hide list)
Increased exacerbations of bronchiectasis following recovery from mild COVID-19 in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
Wang Chun Kwok, James Chung Man Ho, Terence Chi Chun Tam, Mary Sau Man Ip, David Chi Leung Lam; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14664
First published: 30 January 2024
Treatable traits for long COVID
Hayley Lewthwaite, Anthony Byrne, Bruce Brew, Peter G Gibson; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14596
First published: 16 September 2023
Long-term effects of extreme smoke exposure on COVID-19: A cohort study
Tyler J Lane, Matthew Carroll, Brigitte M Borg, Tracy A McCaffrey, Catherine L Smith, Caroline X Gao, David Brown, David Poland, Shantelle Allgood, Jillian Ikin, Michael J Abramson; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14591
First published: 8 September 2023
A randomized trial of pamrevlumab in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia
Giacomo Sgalla, Paolo Maria Leone, Gina Gualano, Jacopo Simonetti, Alessia Comes, Diana Verdirosi, Francesco Di Gennaro, Anna Rita Larici, Stefania Ianniello, Giuseppe Cicchetti, Nicoletta Fusco, Marcello Pani, Fabrizio Palmieri, Luca Richeldi; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14575
First published: 21 August 2023
A snorkel mask with a 3D-printed adaptor to HEPA filter was used in a COVID-19 emergency ward to provide safe respiratory support
Camila Vitelli Molinari MSc, Vivian Bertoni Xavier PhD, Ronaldo Fernandes Rosa MSc, Maria Augusta Junqueira Alves MSc, Luiz Antônio Rivetti PhD, Vera Lúcia dos Santos Alves PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14557
First published: 21 July 2023
Let us start thinking about what to do in the event of a global influenza pandemic
Richard Beasley MBChB, DSc; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14519
First published: 18 May 2023
Covid-19 pandemic and asthma: What did we learn?
Chloe I Bloom; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14515
First published: 8 May 2023
Eosinopenia is associated with adverse outcomes after COVID-19 infection: A perspective from Japan
Akihiro Ito, Tadashi Ishida, Yosuke Nakanishi, Hiroshi Kobe, Fumiaki Tokioka; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14509
First published: 27 April 2023
Management of moderate severity outpatients with COVID-19 disease: Proposed criteria and algorithm for initiation of antiviral treatment Vasiliki Apollonatou MD, Andriana I Papaioannou, Stelios Loukides MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14441
First published: 26 December 2022
Effects of early mobilization on patients with COVID-19 with respiratory failure
Yoshitatsu Fukuta, Shinichi Arizono, Tomoya Yoshida, Yuji Mizuno, Masahiro Tawada, Junichi Magata, Takaki Uruno, Kazuki Watanabe, Akihiko Ozaki, Yoshinori Imaizumi; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14430
First published 4 December 2022
Singing in and out of COVID
Debra Jean Phyland PhD, MAppSc, DipEd, BAppSc, FSPAA DOI: 10.1111/resp.14424
First published 30 November 2022
The global burden of respiratory infectious diseases before and beyond COVID
Grant Waterer MBBS, PhD DOI: 10.1111/resp.14423
First published 27 November 2022
Are we coming out from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Chi Chiu Leung MBBS, FCCP, FFPH; Andrew C K Lee MB ChB, MSc, MD, FRSPH, MFPH, MRCGP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14403
First published 1 November 2022
Two years of the pandemic suppressed deaths from non-COVID-19 respiratory infections: A nationwide surveillance in Japan
Nobuyuki Horita MD, PhD; Takeshi Fukumoto MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14392
First published 17 October 2022
Sleep and circadian health 6 months after critical COVID-19 disease
Adriano D S Targa, Iván D Benítez, Jessica González, Gerard Torres, Sally Santisteve, Rafaela Vaca, Olga Minguez, Maria Aguilà, Paola Carmona, Anna Moncusí-Moix, Clara Gort-Paniello, Gonzalo Labarca, Jesús Caballero, Carme Barberà, Antoni Torres, David de Gonzalo-Calvo, Ferran Barbé; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14390
First published 9 October 2022
The ill winds of COVID-19: How the pandemic improved respiratory health for some
Robert J Hancox MD; Catherina L Chang MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14376
First published 21 September 2022
Predictors and outcomes of respiratory bacterial coinfections in patients with COVID-19 admitted to hospital: An observational prospective study
Giusy Tiseo, Lorenzo Roberto Suardi, Lisa Giusti, Arianna Forniti, Claudio Caroselli, Valentina Galfo, Sara Occhineri, Alessandro Leonildi, Giovanna Moscato, Francesco Menichetti, Marco Falcone; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14372
First published: 16 September 2022
Another line of defence
Daniel P Steinfort MBBS, PhD BMed Sci, Douglas F Johnson PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14348
First published: 15 August 2022
Pulmonary function testing during SARS-CoV-2: An ANZSRS/TSANZ position statement
Brigitte M Borg, Christian Osadnik, Keith Adam, David G Chapman, Catherine E Farrow, Vanda Glavas, Kerry Hancock, Celia J Lanteri, Ewan G Morris, Nicholas Romeo, Elena K Schneider-Futschik, Hiran Selvadurai; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14340
First published: 10 August 2022
Breath-holding physiology, radiological severity and adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients: A prospective validation study
Ludovico Messineo, Francesco Fanfulla, Leonardo Pedroni, Floriana Pini, Andrea Borghesi, Salvatore Golemi, Guido Vailati, Kayla Kerlin, Atul Malhotra, Luciano Corda, Scott Sands; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14336
First published: 07 August 2022
Bayesian adaptive clinical trial designs for respiratory medicine
Elizabeth G Ryan, Dominique-Laurent Couturier, Stephane Heritier; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14337
First published: 02 August 2022
Vaccination in patients with COPD: COVID has raised the bar
Grant Waterer MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14331
First published: 18 July 2022
Efficacy of single-dose and double-dose ivermectin early treatment in preventing progression to hospitalization in mild COVID-19: A multi-arm, parallel-group randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Alireza Mirahmadizadeh, Ali Semati, Alireza Heiran, Mostafa Ebrahimi, Abdolrasool Hemmati, Mohammadreza Karimi, Souzan Basir, Marjan Zare, Antonio Charlys da Costa, Mohammad Zeinali, Maryam Sargolzaee, Owrang Eilami; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14318
First published: 23 June 2022
One-year follow-up CT findings in COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Atsuyuki Watanabe, Matsuo So, Masao Iwagami, Koichi Fukunaga, Hisato Takagi, Hiroki Kabata, Toshiki Kuno; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14311
First published 12 June 2022
Respirology - COVID-19 collection
A collection of rigorous research studies, insightful expert reviews and informative opinion pieces by authorities in the field, has been expertly selected and reviewed by the Deputy Editor and WHO advisor Professor David S C Hui, and Dr Ken K P Chan from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their review is the first paper in the collection. DOI: toc/10.1111/(ISSN)1440-1843.2021-Respirology-publications-on-COVID19
First published 9 June 2022
Contemporary Concise Review 2021: COVID-19 and other respiratory infections
Ken K P Chan, David S C Hui; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14305
First published 7 June 2022
Long-term effects of discontinuing renin–angiotensin system inhibitors in COVID-19
Fabian Theurl MD, Nikolay Sappler MD, Konstantinos D. Rizas MD, Steffen Massberg MD, Axel Bauer MD, Michael Schreinlechner MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14306
First published 7 June 2022
Innovations during the Covid-19 pandemic to maintain delivery of care for vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) in a multidisciplinary team (MDT) clinic
Joo Koh MBBS; Malcolm Baxter FRACS; Debra Phyland PhD; Laurence Ruane MSc; Adriana Avram RN; Elizabeth Leahy RN; Kenneth Lau FRANZCR; Martin MacDonald FRACP, PhD; Paul Leong FRACP, PhD; Philip Bardin FRACP, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14276
First published 4 May 2022
Reply: Hearing the voices of Australian frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Natasha Smallwood BMedSci, MBBS, MSc, AFRACMA, FRCP, FRACP, PhD; Jaimie-Lee Maple BPsychSc (Hons), PhD; Karen Willis BA, MA, GradDipHealthProm, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14266
First published: 26 April 2022

- in reply to:

Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on healthcare workers: The need to address quality of working life issues
Fabienne Marcellin PhD; Lorraine Cousin PhD; Vincent Di Beo MSc; Véronique Mahé MD; Olivia Rousset-Torrente MSc; Patrizia Carrieri PhD; Olivier Chassany MD, PhD; Martin Duracinsky MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14265
First published: 26 April 2022
Home monitoring of lung function, symptoms and quality of life after admission with COVID-19 infection: The HOMECOMIN' study
Gizal Nakshbandi, Catharina C Moor, Esther J Nossent, J J Miranda Geelhoed, Sara J Baart, Bart G Boerrigter, Joachim G J V Aerts, Suzan F M Nijman, Helger Y Santema, Merel E Hellemons, Marlies S Wijsenbeek; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14262
First published 19 April 2022
The ongoing impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on the cardio-respiratory health of New Zealanders
Sarah M Fairweather BSc, Catherina L Chang MD, Robert J Hancox MD. DOI: 10.1111/resp.14260
First published 12 April 2022
Lessons learned from staging the Olympics during a pandemic
Yoichi Nakanishi MD, PhD. DOI: 10.1111/resp.14251
First published 24 March 2022
COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity: Head-to-head comparison of mRNA (BNT162b2) versus inactivated (CoronaVac) vaccines
Benjamin M Kagina PhD, Carine Dochez PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14236
First published 28 February 2022
Point of emission air filtration enhances protection of healthcare workers against skin contamination with virus aerosol
Shane A Landry, Dinesh Subedi, Martin I MacDonald, Samantha Dix, Donna M Kutey, Jeremy J Barr, Darren Mansfield, Garun S Hamilton, Bradley A Edwards, Simon A Joosten; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14227
First published 13 February 2022
COVID-19 infection and the broader impacts of the pandemic on healthcare workers
Natasha Smallwood, Warren Harrex, Megan Rees, Karen Willis, Catherine M Bennett; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14208
First published 19 January 2022
Usage of IL-6 antagonists in COVID-19: A challenge in children
Man Man Niu MD, Guo Zhen Fan MD, Rui Xue Li MD, Qi Jiang MD, Peng Hu MD PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14207
First published 17 January 2022
Changes to clinical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and opportunities
Mark Lavercombe MBBS, SpecCertClinLead, GDipClinEd, FRACP, FCCP, FAPSR DOI: 10.1111/resp.14201
First published 4 January 2022
Why we still need drugs for COVID-19 and can't just rely on vaccines
Bruce W S Robinson AM, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FRCP, DTM&H, FCCP, CitWA, FAAHMS, University of Western Australia; Anna Tai MBChB, FRACP, PhD; Kyle Springer BSc, MA DOI: 10.1111/resp.14199
First published 30 December 2021
Comparison of the immunogenicity of BNT162b2 and CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong
Chris Ka Pun Mok, Carolyn A Cohen, Samuel M S Cheng, Chunke Chen, Kin-On Kwok, Karen Yiu, Tat-On Chan, Maireid Bull, Kwun Cheung Ling, Zixi Dai, Susanna S Ng, Grace Chung-Yan Lui, Chao Wu, Gaya K Amarasinghe, Daisy W Leung, Samuel Yeung Shan Wong, Sophie A Valkenburg, Malik Peiris, David S Hui DOI: 10.1111/resp.14191
First published 24 November 2021
Decline in mortality due to respiratory diseases in Japan during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Nobuyuki Horita MD, PhD; Hideaki Kato MD, PhD; Keisuke Watanabe MD, PhD; Yu Hara MD, PhD; Nobuaki Kobayashi MD, PhD; Takeshi Kaneko MD, PhD DOI: 10.1111/resp.14186
First published 21 November 2021
COVID-19 hospitalizations: Another adverse impact of ambient air pollution?
Jennifer Perret MBBS, FRACP, PhD,Shyamali Dharmage MBBS, MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14179
First published 3 November 2021
Tocilizumab administration for the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Christos Kyriakopoulos, Georgios Ntritsos, Athena Gogali, Haralampos Milionis, Evangelos Evangelou, Konstantinos Kostikas; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14152
First published 3 October 2021
Air pollution and the pandemic: Long-term PM2.5 exposure and disease severity in COVID-19 patients
Angelico Mendy, Xiao Wu, Jason L Keller, Cecily S Fassler, Senu Apewokin, Tesfaye B Mersha, Changchun Xie, Susan M Pinney; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14140
First published 30 August 2021
Risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission during bronchoscopy in the intensive care unit
Biplab K Saha MD, Praveen Chenna MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14131
First published 13 August 2021
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on the cardio-respiratory health of New Zealanders
Sarah M Fairweather, Catherina L Chang, Christopher J Mansell, Eskandarain Shafuddin, Robert J Hancox; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14119
First published 8 August 2021
Contemporary narrative review of treatment options for COVID-19
Lianhan Shang, David Chien Lye, Bin Cao; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14106
First published 8 July 2021
Inhaled corticosteroid is not associated with a poor prognosis in COVID-19
Tai Joon An, Youlim Kim, Yong Bum Park, Kyungjoo Kim, Do Yeon Cho, Kwang-Ha Yoo, Chin Kook Rhee; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14108
First published 26 June 2021
COVID-19: Histopathological correlates of imaging patterns on chest computed tomography
Azar Kianzad, Lilian J Meijboom, Esther J Nossent, Eva Roos, Bernadette Schurink, Peter I Bonta, Inge A H van den Berk, Rieneke Britstra, Jaap Stoker, Anton Vonk Noordegraaf, Paul van der Valk, Erik Thunnissen, Marianna Bugiani, Harm Jan Bogaard, Teodora RadonicTai Joon An, Youlim Kim, Yong Bum Park, Kyungjoo Kim, Do Yeon Cho, Kwang-Ha Yoo, Chin Kook Rhee; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14101
First published 22 June 2021
Delay or avoidance of routine, urgent and emergency medical care due to concerns about COVID-19 in a region with low COVID-19 prevalence: Victoria, Australia
Mark É Czeisler, Jessica L Kennedy, Joshua F Wiley, Elise R Facer-Childs, Rebecca Robbins, Laura K Barger, Charles A Czeisler, Shantha M W Rajaratnam, Mark E Howard; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14094
First published 3 June 2021
COVID-19 highlights the need to optimize critical care resource use: The role of a respiratory-led multidisciplinary team
Ashwin Balu MB ChB, Alastair Watson PhD, Lucie Linhartova FRCA, FFICM, Paul Ellis MRCP, Rahul Mukherjee FRCP (London), FRCP (Edin.), FCCP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14090
First published: 28 May 2021
Pathophysiology of infection with SARS-CoV-2—What is known and what remains a mystery
Siddharth Sridhar, John Nicholls; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14091
First published: 26 May 2021
Effect of comorbid pulmonary disease on the severity of COVID‐19: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Askin Gülsen; Inke R. König; Uta Jappe; Daniel Drömann; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14049
First published 6 May 2021
Chronic pulmonary comorbidities increase the risk of severe COVID‐19, but critical details remain undetermined
Michael J. Maze MB ChB, DCH, DTM&H, PhD, FRACP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14067
First published 5 May 2021
Animal models and COVID-19: Mechanism and comorbidities
Ricardo Wesley Alberca PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14043
First published 13 April 2021
Gateway to the lungs: Viral entry receptors and susceptibility to COVID‐19
Hugo Farne PhD, Aran Singanayagam PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14039
First published 16 March 2021
Epidemiology, clinical spectrum, viral kinetics and impact of COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific region
Kin On Kwok, Ying Huang, Margaret Ting Fong Tsoi, Arthur Tang, Samuel Yeung Shan Wong, Wan In Wei, David Shu Cheong Hui; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14026
First published 9 March 2021
A note on lung cancer in the COVID-19 era
Avinash Aujayeb MBBS, MRCP (Edin 2008), PGCertClinEd, FHEA; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14035
First published 8 March 2021
Provision of essential bronchoscopy during COVID-19 pandemic
Waheed Shah MB, Orla O'Carroll MD, Michael P Keane MD, Cormac McCarthy MB, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14034
First published 7 March 2021
Aerosol-generating procedures in the COVID era
Garun S Hamilton MBBS, FRACP, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14031
First published 3 March 2021
Repeated proning in non-intubated patients with COVID-19
Jennifer R A Jones DPT BSc; Zachary Attard DPT BBiomedSc; Rinaldo Bellomo MBBS MD FRACP FCICM PGDipEcho; Nicola Burgess DPT BBiotechMedRes; Ashleigh Donovan DPT BHSc (Hons); Marnie Graco PhD MPH BPhysio; Thomas Rollinson BPhysio; David J Berlowitz PhD PGradDipPhty BAppSciPhty; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14008
First published 27 January 2021
ACE2 expression is elevated in airway epithelial cells from older and male healthy individuals but reduced in asthma
Peter A B Wark, Prabuddha S Pathinayake, Gerard Kaiko, Kristy Nichol, Ayesha Ali, Ling Chen, Erika N Sutanto, Luke W Garratt, Sukhwinder S Sohal, Wenying Lu, Mathew S Eapen, Christopher Oldmeadow, Nathan Bartlett, Andrew Reid, Punnam Veerati, Alan C-Y Hsu, Kevin Looi, Thomas Iosifidis, Stephen M Stick, Philip M Hansbro, Anthony Kicic; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14003
First published 17 January 2021
Animal models of COVID-19 hyper-inflammation
Michael P Gantier PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13997
First published 21 December 2020
Secondary infection among hospitalized COVID‐19 patients: A retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care setting
Song-I Lee MD; Jeong Suk Koh MD; Yoon Joo Kim MD; Da Hyun Kang MD, PhD; Dongil Park MD, PhD; Hee Sun Park MD, PhD; Sung Soo Jung MD, PhD; Ju-Ock Kim MD, PhD; Jeong Eun Lee MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13992
First published 21 December 2020
Delayed access to lung cancer screening and treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Are we headed for a lung cancer pandemic?
Tracy L Leong MBBS (Hons), FRACP, MPH, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13996
First published 15 December 2020
Social distancing as a strategy to prevent respiratory virus infections
Christine Jenkins AM, MD, FRACP; Anthony Sunjaya MD, SM; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13990
First published 15 December 2020
Comparisons of early vs.late presentation to hospital in COVID-19 patients
Sarah Williams; Natasha Sheard; Beth Stuart; Hang T T Phan; Florina Borca; Tom M A Wilkinson; Hannah Burke; Anna Freeman on behalf of the REACT COVID Investigators; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13985
First published 6 December 2020
Predictors of CPAP outcome in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Yasser Noeman-Ahmed, Sriya Gokaraju, Duncan J Powrie, Dora A Amran, Iman El Sayed, Ashraf Roshdy; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13964
First published 2 November 2020
Essential update in lung cancer medicine
Alistair Miller MBBS, FRACP, PhD, Emily Stone MBBS, MMed, FRACP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13968
First published 28 October 2020
Is corticosteroid use a potential therapy for AE-IPF?
Xuandong Jiang MM, Kailei Du MM, Ya Zhang MM; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13962
First published 13 October 2020
Attenuating COVID-19 infection and inflammation: Lessons from asthma
Philip G Bardin FRACP, PhD Sebastian L Johnston FRCP, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13961
First published 13 October 2020
Pulmonary rehabilitation in COVID-19 pandemic era: The need for a revised approach
Ajay Prashad Gautam PhD Ross Arena PhD, PT2 Snehil Dixit MPT, PhD Audrey Borghi-Silva PhD, PT; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13946
First published 21 September 2020
Severe COVID-19 and interleukin-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab: Some notes of concern
Karolina Akinosoglou MD, PhD Charalambos Gogos MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13939
First published 20 September 2020
Respiratory management of adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19
Priyanka Makkar MD Stephen M Pastores MD, MACP, FCCP, FCCM; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13941
First published 14 September 2020
Ethical challenges posed by COVID-19
Paul A Komesaroff MB, BS, BSc(Hons), PhD, FRACP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13930
First published 29 August 2020
Bronchoscopy in COVID-19 intensive care unit patients
Marie Bruyneel, Maria Gabrovska, Peter Rummens, Alain Roman, Marc Claus, Etienne Stevens, Philippe Dechamps, Lucas Demey, Laurent Truffaut, Vincent Ninane
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13932
First published 25 August 2020
Medical ethics in the era of COVID-19: Now and the future
Christopher Chew MBBS (Hons), BMedSc (Hons), MBioethics; Danielle Ko LLB (Hons), BA, MBBS (Hons), FRACGP, FAChPM; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13927
First published 5 August 2020
Laboratory performance of oronasal CPAP and adapted snorkel masks to entrain oxygen and CPAP
Shane A Landry, Dwayne L Mann, Lee Djumas, Ludovico Messineo, Philip I Terrill, Luke D J Thomson, Caroline J Beatty, Garun S Hamilton, Darren Mansfield, Bradley A Edwards, Simon A Joosten; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13922
First published 3 August 2020
Tocilizumab therapy in individuals with COVID-19 infection and hyperinflammatory state
Cormac McCarthy, Stefano Savinelli, Eoin R Feeney, Marcus W Butler, Cathal O'Broin, Silke Ryan, Lorraine O'Neill, David J Murphy, Charles G Gallagher, Edward F McKone, Sarmad Waqas, Aoife Cotter, Peter Doran, Michael P Keane, Patrick W Mallon; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13912
First published 21 July 2020
Universal public mask wear during COVID-19 pandemic: Rationale, design and acceptability
Christopher Liu OBE, FRCOphth, FRCSEd, FRCP, CertLRS; Rawya Diab MBBS, MD, MRCSEd, FICO; Hasan Naveed MBBS, BSc (Hons); Victor Leung MSc, CIH, ROH, CRSP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13892
First published 6 July 2020
The challenge of COVID-19 has accelerated the use of new data-sharing technologies
Venktesh R Ramnath MD; Kristina Kairaitis MD PhD; Atul Malhotra MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13894
First published 1 July 2020
National policies for paediatric universal BCG vaccination were associated with decreased mortality due to COVID-19
Risa Ebina-Shibuya MD, PhD; Nobuyuki Horita MD, PhD; Ho Namkoong MD, PhD; Takeshi Kaneko MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13885
First published 18 June 2020
Targeting the interleukin-17 pathway to prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection
Tomas Raul Wiche Salinas MD, PhD(c); Boyang Zheng MD; Jean-Pierre Routy MD; Petronela Ancuta PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13875
First published 17 June 2020
The role of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in COVID-19: Healing in most, harm at times
Martyn A French MBChB, MD, FRCPath, FRCP, FRACP; Yuben Moodley MBChB, FCP, FRACP, MD, PhD
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13852
First published 20 May 2020
Serum amyloid A is a predictor for prognosis of COVID-19
Xiao-Neng Mo, Zhu-Quan Su, Chun-Liang Lei, Di-Fei Chen, Hui Peng, Ru-Chong Chen, Ling Sang, Hong-Kai Wu, Shi-Yue Li
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13840
First published 14 May 2020
Safe performance of diagnostic bronchoscopy/EBUS during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Daniel P Steinfort, Felix J F Herth, Louis B Irving, Phan T Nguyen
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13843
First published 13 May 2020
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: A word of caution
Srinadh Annangi
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13845
First published 11 May 2020
Rationale for universal face masks in public against COVID-19
Anthony Paulo Sunjaya MD, SM; Christine Jenkins MD, AM, FRACP
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13834
First published 30 April 2020
Medical information and social media in the time of COVID-19
Siobhain Mulrennan MB ChB, MRCP, MD, FRACP; Henri Colt MD, FCCP, FAWM
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13832
First published 28 April 2020
Summarizing societal guidelines regarding bronchoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic
Robert J Lentz MD and Henri Colt MD, FCCP, FAWM
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13824
First published 11 April 2020
Earlier Respirology letters on COVID-19
(Click again
to hide list)
Letter from the UK: Reflections on a turbulent 5 years
Stephen T Holgate KBE, FMedSci; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14661
First published 23 January 2024
Letter from Australia
Christine F McDonald MBBS(Hons), PhD, FRACP, F Thor Soc, FAHMS; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14655
First published 4 January 2024
Letter from Peru: Why was Peru the country with the world's highest infection and death rates for SARS-CoV-2?
Roberto A Accinelli MD, MPH; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14599
First published 12 September 2023
Letter from Mexico: A 2023 post-COVID update
Rogelio Pérez-Padilla MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14573
First published 18 August 2023
Letter from the United States: An update on the New York experience with COVID-19
CEdward J Schenck MD, Meredith L Turetz MD, Michael S Niederman MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14561
First published 26 July 2023
Letter from Malta
Cynthia Farrugia Jones MD, FRCP(Lon), FRCP(Edin), PG Dip Med Ed (Dundee); Brendan Caruana Montalto MD, FACP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14483
First published 8 March 2023
Letter from Slovakia
Eva Tedlova MD, PhD; Magda Suchankova MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14396
First published 20 October 2022
Letter from Sri Lanka
Saroj Jayasinghe MBBS, MD, MRCP, MD, PhD, FRCP, FCCP, FNASSL; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14393
First published 17 October 2022
Letter from New Zealand
Tom Hills MBChB, MSc, DPhil; Richard Beasley MBChB, DM, DSc; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14375
First published 18 September 2022
Letter from Austria
Michael Schreinlechner MD, Fabian Theurl MD, DOI: 10.1111/resp.14330
First published 14 July 2022
Letter from Australia
John Wilson AM, FRACP; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14327
First published 13 July 2022
Letter from the Sultanate of Oman
Mohammed S Al Harrasi MD, Nabil M Al Lawati MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14255
First published 30 March 2022
Letter from Saudi Arabia
Ohoud Aljuhani PharmD, BCCCP; Khalid Al Sulaiman BCCCP, BCNSP, MBA; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14239
First published 11 March 2022
Letter from Egypt
Ramy Mohamed Ghazy DrPH, Sarah Hamed N. Taha PhD, Yasir Ahmed Mohammed Elhadi BPharm; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14205
First published 9 January 2022
Letter from Nepal
Achyut Bhakta Acharya MBBS, MD, DM, Narendra Bhatta MBBS, MD, MSc, FNCCP, FAPSR, FCCP (USA), Deebya Raj Mishra MBBS, MD, DM, European Diploma in Respiratory Medicine, Prahlad Karki MBBS, MD, FICC, FACC, FESC, Mukesh Kumar Gupta MBBS, MD, Madhab Lamsal MSc, PhD, Basuda Khanal MBBS, MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14198
First published 30 December 2021
Letter from Chile
María Fernanda del Valle; Jorge Valenzuela; Loretto Godoy; Mariano del Sol; Pablo A Lizana; Máximo Escobar-Cabello; Rodrigo Muñoz-Cofre DOI: 10.1111/resp.14196
First published 15 December 2021
Letter from Turkey: Impact of COVID-19 on respiratory diseases
Semra Bilaçeroğlu MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14124
First published 1 August 2021
Letter from South Africa: COVID-19 - The good, the bad and the ugly
Diane M. Gray MBChB, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14104
First published 30 June 2021
Letter from Turkey
Onur Turan MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14107
First published 23 June 2021
COVID-19 situation in Pakistan: A broad overview
Muhammad Imran MBBS, FCPS; Sajjad Khan MBBS, MPH; Shahid Khan MBBS, MPH; Azhar Uddin MBBS, FCPS; Muhammad Salman Khan MBBS; Preshit Ambade BAMS, MHA, DrPH; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14093
First published 31 May 2021
Letter from Sweden
Bo Lundbäck MD, PhD, FERS; Lowie E G W Vanfleteren MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14065
First published 5 May 2021
Letter from Greece
Konstantinos Kostikas MD, PhD, FCCP, FERS; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14060
First published 16 April 2021
Letter from Malaysia
Syazatul Syakirin Sirol Aflah MD; Alif Adlan Mohd Thabit MB BCH BAO; Suresh Kumar Chidambaram MBBS; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14057
First published 11 April 2021
Letter from Philippines
Jennifer Ann Wi MD, FPCP, FPCCP, FCCP, FAPSR; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14051
First published 8 April 2021
Letter from Canada: A pandemic that has humbled us?
Stephan F van Eeden MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14027
First published 1 March 2021
Letter from China: Managing the second-wave COVID-19 outbreak in Beijing
Jiuyang Xu MDc Bin Cao MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.14002
First published 5 January 2021
Letter from China: Response after the first wave of COVID-19
Zhaowei Yang PhD Jing Li MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13998
First published 2 January 2021
Letter from Japan: Re-thinking our future
Shu Hashimoto MD, PhD; Mari Hikichi MD, PhD; Shuichiro Maruoka MD, PhD; Yasuhiro Gon MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13989
First published 8 December 2020
Japan promotes the WHO "Three C's" policy
Keiko Kan-o MD, PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13986
First published 2 December 2020
Letter from California, USA
Sheiphali A Gandhi MD, MPH; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13980
First published 18 November 2020
From a city with high population of diverse ethnic backgrounds
Sarah Diver MBChB; Chris Brightling PhD; Chandra Ohri MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13957
First published 19 October 2020
Anne-Marie Russell PhD, RN, RHV, LPE, ATSF; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13954
First published 12 October 2020
Successes and challenges
Faisal Yunus MD, PhD, FCCP, FISR Sita Andarini MD, PhD, FISR; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13953
First published 7 October 2020
Exceptional situation
Ebrahim Abbasi-Oshaghi PhD Fatemeh Mirzaei PhD Iraj Khodadadi PhD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13948
First published 15 September 2020
COVID-19 returns
Robert J Hancox MD
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13931
First published 22 August 2020
The clinical and research response to COVID-19
Sanjay H Chotirmall MD, PhD; Lin-Fa Wang PhD; John A Abisheganaden MD; DOI: 10.1111/resp.13929
First published 17 August 2020
Lessons from TB
Jérémy Charriot MD; Laurie Pahus PharmD, PhD; Pascal Chanez MD, PhD; Nicolas Nagot MD, PhD; Arnaud Bourdin MD, PhD DOI: 10.1111/resp.13874
First published 8 June 2020
Measures proven effective. Barriers & unanswered questions
Wei-jie Guan MD and Nan-shan Zhong MD
DOI: 10.1111/resp.13817
First published 8 April 2020

In addition to COVID-19 articles, a special Respirology collection includes information and lessons learnt from previous pandemics.

A collection of articles on COVID-19 and earlier coronaviruses can be read here.

(No Covid-related Respirology Case Reports articles published in the last few weeks)

Earlier case reports on COVID-19
(Click again
to hide list)
A COVID-19 case report with low ACT (activated clotting time) and high serum D-dimer level: Antithrombin III deficiency?
Ayşe Şahin Tutak; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1394
First published: 30 May 2024
Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage due to atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) associated with COVID-19
Atif Siddiqui, Amanda Tchakarov; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1350
First published: 9 April 2024
Interstitial lung changes and persistent COVID-19 in a patient with follicular lymphoma: A case report
Makiko Yomota, Masaru Tanaka, Takayuki Kobayashi, Masatake Kitano, Saori Ikeda, Yusuke Kanemasa, Noriyo Yanagawa, Yukio Hosomi; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1298
First published: 20 February 2024
COVID-19 organizing pneumonia with sudden dyspnea in an asymptomatic survivor
Hwan Jin Lee, So Ri Kim; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1300
First published: 14 February 2024
Bird-related non-fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis with bronchoalveolar lavage fluid eosinophilia that developed after COVID-19 vaccination: A case report
Takuma Katano, Tomoyuki Ogisu, Akira Satou, Toshiyuki Yonezawa, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Satoru Ito; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1294
First published: 07 February 2024
Sarcoidosis following COVID infection: A case series
David J F Smith, Jamilah Meghji, Mufaddal Moonim, Clare Ross, Patrizia Viola, Melissa Wickremasinghe, Laura E Gleeson; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1231
First published 13 October 2023
A case series of three patients with histologically proven post COVID-19 organizing pneumonia
Cheuk Cheung Derek Leung, Yiu Cheong Yeung; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1229
First published 26 September 2023
COVID-19 associated Bell's palsy
Kei Yamasaki, Taiki Manabe, Yuto Iwanaga, Ryota Akaike, Toshinori Kawanami, Kazuhiro Yatera; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1198
First published 5 July 2023
Clinical outcome of supervised pulmonary telerehabilitation program among adult patients with post-acute COVID-19 symptoms (PACS): A case series
Nikko John Dalisay, Bernice Ong-dela Cruz, Percival Punzal, Ma. Encarnita Limpin; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1187
First published 5 July 2023
Spontaneous pulmonary herniation in COVID-19
Andrew Macdonald, Cameron Butcher, Thuy Nhu Nguyen; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1145
First published 20 April 2023
Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic: Four case reports
Sato Nakamura, Yukio Kawagishi, Akihiro Kikushima, Atsushi Muto, Yoshifumi Suda, Kazuki Gohara, Shinichi Takeda; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1151
First published 20 April 2023
Severe COVID-19 pneumonia in pregnant woman treated with pulse corticosteroids therapy and third-trimester caesarean section: A case report
Nghia Thinh Bui, Minh Nhat Huynh, Hung Tran, Dinh Kha Le, Tan Thanh Pham, Thanh Tung Pham, Tien Nhan Nguyen, Nguyen-Huy Do-Tran, Hoang-Anh Ngo, Thuy-Anh Do; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1139
First published 5 April 2023
Tracheal stenosis following tracheotomy in a COVID-19 patient
Mohamed Tayeb Salaouatchi, Linda Spinato, Said Sanoussi, Maria do Carmo Filomena Mesquita; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1127
First published 26 March 2023
Pulmonary embolism or COVID-19 pneumonia? A case report
Nahid Borna, Maryam Niksolat, Behnam Shariati, Vahid Saeedi, Leila Kamalzadeh; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1121
First published 16 March 2023
Tracheal stenosis following tracheotomy in a COVID-19 patient
Mohamed Tayeb Salaouatchi, Linda Spinato, Said Sanoussi, Maria do Carmo Filomena Mesquita; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1127
First published 26 March 2023
Pulmonary embolism or COVID-19 pneumonia? A case report
Nahid Borna, Maryam Niksolat, Behnam Shariati, Vahid Saeedi, Leila Kamalzadeh; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1121
First published 16 March 2023
The effect of lung recruitment manoeuvre in COVID-19 induced acute respiratory distress syndrome
Wei-Chiang Lin, Shang-Yi Lin, Meng-Che Tsai, Fu-Tsai Chung, Hsiu-Mei Chang; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1107
First published 14 February 2023
A case of prolonged COVID-19 treated with tixagevimab/cilgavimab
Takahiro Shimizu, Hiroki Shirasaki, Kazuhiro Okafuji, Aiko Sawazaki, Tasuku Iwabuchi, Ryo Matubayashi; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1099
First published 9 February 2023
Pre and post-COVID 19 infection pulmonary functions in children with chronic respiratory disease: A case series
Salim Ramadan, The Thanh Diem Nguyen, Sophie Laberge, Jacques-Edouard Marcotte, Zofia Zisman-Colman, Sze Man Tse; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1077
First published 22 December 2022
Atypical negative pressure pulmonary edema after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy for COVID-19
Yu Suzuki, Takaaki Ogoshi, Yusuke Taura, Shiori Oda, Daiji Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Ueda, Kazuhiro Yatera; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1071
First published 8 December 2022
Massive iliopsoas haematoma during the course of COVID-19 pneumonia
Hiroaki Nagano, Sara Takaesu; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1070
First published 8 December 2022
A case of anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis-associated rapidly progressive interstitial lung diseases developed after administration of COVID-19 vaccine and subsequent pneumococcal vaccine
Saeko Takahashi, Ai Kato, Kanako Hashimoto, Tomohiro Takehara, Kota Ishioka, Satoshi Takanashi; DOI: 10.1004/rcr2.1062
First published: 2 November 2022
Negative pressure pulmonary edema in a patient with COVID-19
Satoshi Ikeo, Toshiyuki Iwata, Naoaki Yasuda, Yasuyuki Hayashi, Akihiko Sokai, Takashi Nishimura; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1062
First published: 28 October 2022
Coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination-induced acute exacerbation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Keishi Sugino, Hirotaka Ono, Mikako Saito, Masahiro Ando, Eiyasu Tsuboi; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1051
First published: 12 October 2022
Post COVID-19 organizing pneumonia treated with mycophenolate mofetil
Hui Xin Tan, Chee Kin Wong, Weng Fai Yik, Yoke Fong Lam, Kumaresh Raj Lachmanan; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1042
First published: 29 September 2022
IgG4 related pleural disease: Recurrent pleural effusion after COVID-19 vaccination
Saria Tasnim, Ola Al-Jobory, Ahmad Hallak, Taru Bharadwaj, Manish Patel; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1026
First published: 18 September 2022
Sarcoidosis developing after COVID-19: A case report
Dujrath Somboonviboon, Anan Wattanathum, Narumon Keorochana, Kittisak Wongchansom; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1016
First published: 11 August 2022
Development of bullous lung disease with pneumothorax following SARS-CoV-2 infection
Hafizah Abdullah, Yen Shen Wong, Muhammad Amin Ibrahim, Aisya Natasya Musa, Thevaraajan Jayaraman, Mohd Arif Mohd Zim; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1013
First published: 2 August 2022
Severe and critical SARS-COV-2 delta variant infection in infants without underlying medical conditions
Aida Borgi, Assaad Louati, Amal Miraoui, Lilia Lahmar, Khaoula Mefteh, Ahmed Hajji, Ahmed Ayari, Asma Bouziri, Khaled Menif, Hanen Smaoui, Nejla Benjaballah; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1012
First published: 30 July 2022
Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome in a patient with ongoing COVID-19
Maki Asami-Noyama, Misa Harada, Yukari Hisamoto, Taiga Kobayashi, Keiji Oishi, Nobutaka Edakuni, Tsunahiko Hirano, Tomoyuki Kakugawa, Kazuto Matsunaga; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1009
First published 19 July 2022
Two cases of acute respiratory failure following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in post-COVID-19 pneumonia
Tomohiro Bando, Reoto Takei, Yoshikazu Mutoh, Hajime Sasano, Yasuhiko Yamano, Toshiki Yokoyama, Toshiaki Matsuda, Kensuke Kataoka, Tomoki Kimura, Yasuhiro Kondoh DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.995
First published 4 July 2022
A case report of coronavirus disease-2019-induced acute asthma exacerbation in an obese patient
Hisashi Sasaki, Jun Miyata, Ai Kobayashi, Shuichi Kawano, Akihiko Kawana DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.979
First published 7 June 2022
New-onset myasthenia gravis after novel coronavirus 2019 infection
Amirmasoud Taheri, Lotfollah Davoodi, Eissa Soleymani, Noushin Ahmadi. DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.978
First published 22 May 2022
Pulmonary pseudoaneurysm presented as a lung nodule after recovering from Covid-19 pneumonia
Dujrath Somboonviboon, Anan Wattanathum. DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.963
First published 11 May 2022
Sarcoidosis following SARS-CoV-2 infection: Cause or consequence?
Esther Palones, Virginia Pajares, Laura López, Diego Castillo, Alfons Torrego. DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.955
First published 27 April 2022
COVID-19 vaccine-associated organizing pneumonia
Tomohiro Yoshikawa, Katsuyoshi Tomomatsu, Eriko Okazaki, Tomoe Takeuchi, Yukihiro Horio, Yusuke Kondo, Tsuyoshi Oguma, Koichiro Asano. DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.944
First published 29 March 2022
Two cases of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA)
Jin Lee Lim, Inn Shih Khor, Cheng Keat Moh, Yi Min Chan, Yoke Fong Lam, Kumaresh Raj Lachmanan. DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.940
First published 27 March 2022
COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-related interstitial lung disease: Two case reports and literature review
Clara So, Shinyu Izumi, Akane Ishida, Ryo Hirakawa, Yusaku Kusaba, Masao Hashimoto, Satoru Ishii, Hideki Miyazaki, Motoyasu Iikura, Masayuki Hojo; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.938
First published 23 March 2022
Humoral immune response in healthcare workers after two doses of a BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in Yucatan, Mexico
Esperanza Figueroa-Hurtado, Diana Lizbeth Ortíz-Farias, Isabel Sada-Ovalle, Sandra Yareth Maldonado-Ortíz, Jorge Arturo Valdivieso-Jiménez, Arturo Cortes-Telles; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.920
First published 22 March 2022
Severe infectious acute respiratory failure mimicking COVID-19 in a healthy adolescent
Kohei Hashimoto, Takako Kawaguchi, Kei Yamasaki, Hiroaki Ikegami, Toshinori Kawanami, Kazuhiro Yatera; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.933
First published 16 March 2022
Progressive pulmonary fibrosis due to diffuse alveolar damage in a COVID-19-infected autopsy case
Akiko Tamura, Ryosuke Imai, Yutaka Tomishima, Naoki Nishimura; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.934
First published 16 March 2022
Combined treatment with endobronchial Watanabe spigot and N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate for refractory pneumothorax in COVID-19
Chie Morita, Atsushi Kitamura, Kohei Okafuji, Shosei Ro, Ryosuke Imai, Kasumi Shirasaki, Yu Watanabe,Naoki Nishimura; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.923
First published 13 March 2022
Fatal disseminated mucormycosis associated with COVID-19
Tomoya Horiguchi, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Yoko Toyama, Toshiharu Sasaki, Tomoyuki Nakamura, Aki Sakurai, Naohide Kuriyama, Satoshi Komatsu, Yoshiko Shigeyasu, Takuma Ina, Eiko Sakurai, Noriko Nakajima, Arisa Tsuchimori, Seiji Yamada, Tadaki Suzuki, Kazuyoshi Imaizumi; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.912
First published 13 February 2022
Chylothorax found in a patient with COVID-19
Francesco Satriano, Giulia Scioscia, Maria Grazia Cagnazzo, Federica Maci, Leonida Refolo, Paolo Fuso, Emanuele Gerardi, Diego Grasso, Piera Soccio, Donato Lacedonia; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.836
First published 22 January 2022
An unusual presentation of invasive aspergillosis with submandibular swelling in a 49-year-old man with end-stage renal disease: A case report
Phool Iqbal, Sinda Dakhlia, Sara Seife Hassen, Salah Mahdi; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.905
First published 19 January 2022
Association of COVID-19 antigenicity with the development of antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody vasculitis
Jamie R Felzer, Delvise T Fogwe, Shaher Samrah, Clement J Michet Jr, Ulrich Specks, Misbah Baqir, Aahd F Kubbara; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.894
First published 27 December 2021
A case of effective intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy against severe COVID-19 infection after arteriovenous graft surgery
Sokichi Kamata, Souhei Hamanaka, Jin Tsukamoto, Teppei Tsuchimoto, Kiyohiro Fujiwara, Mikio Okamura; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.889
First published 17 December 2021
Recurrent COVID-19 infection in a case of rituximab-induced hypogammaglobulinaemia
Jefferson Daniel, Balamugesh Thangakunam, Barney Thomas Jesudason Isaac, Mahesh Moorthy, Devasahayam Jesudas Christopher; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.891
First published 7 December 2021
COVID-19-induced adult multisystem inflammatory syndrome and fatal acute limb ischaemia
Hiroshi Kobe, Akihiro Ito, Tadashi Ishida; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.886
First published 1 December 2021
Convalescent plasma therapy in an immunocompromised patient with multiple COVID-19 flares: a case report
Frini Karaolidou, Natasa-Eleni Loutsidi, Zois Mellios, Edison Jahaj, Konstantinos Eleftheriou, Maria Pagoni, Ioannis Mpaltadakis, Athanasios-Meletios Dimopoulos, Ioannis Kalomenidis, Apostolos G Pappas; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.858
First published 9 November 2021
Pneumonia rebound after stopping steroid in a patient with COVID-19: A case report
Po-Hao Chen, Chun-Yuan Cheng, Li-Fu Li, Chung-Chieh Yu; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.869
First published 24 October 2021
Lung transplantation for post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis
Pratibha Gogia, Sandeep Attawar, Vivek Singh, Tarun Bhatnagar, Sanjay Sharma, Khushboo Batra, Swapnil Khare; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.862
First published 19 October 2021
Lichenoid cutaneous skin eruption and associated systemic inflammatory response following Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administration
Pei-Yee Onn, Catherina L Chang; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.860
First published 4 October 2021
COVID-19 pneumonia suspected to be co-infection with Mycoplasma pneumoniae and improved by early administration of favipiravir and ciclesonide
Keima Ito, Takako Yokoyama, Minoru Horiuchi, Munehiro Kato, Ikuji Usami; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.821
First published 3 August 2021
Fatal cytomegalovirus pneumonia in a critically ill patient with COVID-19
Saori Amiya, Haruhiko Hirata, Takayuki Shiroyama, Yuichi Adachi, Takayuki Niitsu, Yoshimi Noda, Takatoshi Enomoto, Reina Hara, Kiyoharu Fukushima, Yasuhiko Suga, Kotaro Miyake, Moe Koide, Akinori Uchiyama, Yoshito Takeda, Atsushi Kumanogoh; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.801
First published 8 June 2021
Delayed hypercoagulable state in COVID-19 adolescent patient: a case report
Desdiani Desdiani, Nita Yulianti, Anindita Basuki; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.793
First published 8 June 2021
Successful endobronchial occlusion in empyema with broncho-pleural fistula secondary to COVID-19 pneumonia: a case report and literature review
Takahito Nakano, Masahiro Kawada, Kensuke Minami, Hiroyuki Kaneda; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.785
First published 26 May 2021
Endotracheal granulation after tracheostomy in acute respiratory distress syndrome from COVID-19
Haruko Matsumoto, Shigeo Hanada, Kazumasa Yamamoto, Hisashi Takaya; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.787
First published 26 May 2021
Radiological progression of COVID‐19 organizing pneumonia
Bushra Johari; Roqiah Fatmawati Abdul Kadir; Farihah Abd Ghani; Alan Basil Peter; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.764
First published 4 May 2021
Ultrasonic humidifier lung as a mimic of COVID‐19
Shosei Ro; Ryosuke Imai; Atsushi Kitamura; Torahiko Jinta; Naoki Nishimura; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.761
First published 4 May 2021
COVID-19 pneumonia and an indelible ground‐glass nodule
Sumitaka Yamanaka, Shinichiro Ota, Yukihiro Yoshida, Masaharu Shinkai; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.751
First published 8 April 2021
Nintedanib treatment for pulmonary fibrosis after coronavirus disease 2019
Hiroaki Ogata, Taisuke Nakagawa, Soichiro Sakoda, Akiko Ishimatsu, Kazuhito Taguchi, Masako Kadowaki, Atsushi Moriwaki, Makoto Yoshida; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.744
First published 30 March 2021
Multimodality treatment in immunocompromised patients with severe COVID-19: the role of IL-6 inhibitor, intravenous immunoglobulin, and haemoperfusion
Nophol Leelayuwatanakul, Napplika Kongpolprom, Thitiwat Sriprasart, Vorakamol Phoophiboon, Vorawut Thanthitaweewat, Sarita Thawanaphong, Worawan Sirichana, Naricha Chirakalwasan, Kamon Kawkitinarong, Chanchai Sittipunt, Opass Putcharoen, Leilani Paitoonpong, Gompol Suwanpimolkul, Watsamon Jantarabenjakul, Nattachai Srisawat, Monvasi Pachinburavan ; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.733
First published 7 March 2021
The diagnostic challenge of pneumocystis pneumonia and COVID-19 co-infection in HIV
Alistair G B Broadhurst, Usha Lalla, Jantjie J Taljaard, Elizabeth H Louw, Coenraad F N Koegelenberg, Brian W Allwood; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.725
First published 22 February 2021
Post-mortem biopsy of a patient with late exacerbation of COVID-19 pneumonia
Kuniko Takahashi, Koichiro Kajiura, Michitaka Nasu, Kei Nakamura, Kazuki Sugata, Akiko Matsuzaki; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.724
First published 22 February 2021
Prone position ventilation and femoro-femoral veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19 treatment
Akiko Maeda; Daijiro Nabeya; Hiroaki Nagano; Nobuhito Yagi; Tadayoshi Miyagi; Tomoo Kishaba; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.700
First published 15 December 2020
Improvement of COVID-19 with renal failure and paralytic ileus by using steroids
Atsushi Kitamura, Clara So, Torahiko Jinta; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.689
First published 29 November 2020
Acute eosinophilic pneumonia accompanied with COVID-19: a case report
Koutaro Murao, Atsushi Saito, Koji Kuronuma, Yoshihiro Fujiya, Satoshi Takahashi, Hirofumi Chiba; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.683
First published 16 November 2020
Polymyxin B haemoperfusion treatment for respiratory failure and hyperferritinaemia due to COVID-19
Mayuko Ishiwari, Yuki Togashi, Hiroyuki Takoi, Ryota Kikuchi, Yuta Kono, Shinji Abe; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.679
First published 1 November 2020
Co-diagnoses of acute myeloid leukaemia and COVID-19: presentation and management implications
Amy O'Brien, James Campling, Hugh Goodman, Catherina L Chang; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.650
First published 25 August 2020
Haemorrhagic bronchial casts causing complete ventilatory failure in a COVID-19 patient on ECMO
Samantha Herath, Natalie Kruit, Adam Eslick, Nicole Giroy; DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.631
First published 28 July 2020
A case of non-severe COVID-19 complicated by pulmonary embolism
Yuto Akiyama, Kohei Horiuchi, Yasushi Kondo, Hiroki Kabata, Makoto Ishii, Koichi Fukunaga
DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.622
First published 15 July 2020
What happens when we treat the "Typhoid Mary" of COVID-19
Boon Hau Ng, Nik Nuratiqah Nik Abeed, Mohamed Faisal Abdul Hamid, Chun Ian Soo, Hsueh Jing Low, Yu-Lin Andrea Ban
DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.604
First published 25 June 2020
High-dose, short-term corticosteroids for ARDS caused by COVID-19: a case series
Clara So, Shosei Ro, Manabu Murakami, Ryosuke Imai, Torahiko Jinta
DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.596
First published 4 June 2020
A 55-year-old COVID-19-positive man managed with self-regulation of high-flow oxygen by high-velocity nasal insufflation therapy
Ari J Ciment, Lawrence M Ciment
DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.591
First published 21 May 2020

A collection of cases on COVID-19 and earlier coronaviruses can be read here


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From Pandemic to Tripledemic to Endemic: 'Finding diagnostic certainties in a changing respiratory landscape'
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17:00 (UTC+9), Wednesday, 14 June 2023
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Respiratory infections beyond COVID-19: Role of multiplexing and diagnostic stewardship - Where are we now?
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Tuesday 25 October 2022
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Revamping Pneumonia Diagnosis and Antimicrobial Stewardship With Advanced Molecular Diagnostics
from Australia
Friday 19 July 2022

Post-webinar video available until 31 October 2022

Lung Diseases and COVID-19 Online Congress for the Public

The Turkish Thoracic Society invite you to watch their second "Lung Diseases and COVID-19 Online Congress for the Public". This will take place on 26-27 February 2022, 12:00-18:00 (Turkish time, UTC+3). There will be a total of 24 sessions, each lasting for half an hour.

Within the scope of this congress; the community (including our patients and/or their relatives) will have the opportunity to access the most up-to-date and accurate information about lung diseases and COVID, as well as to ask live questions. It can be nice chance actually for people with concerns about applying to the hospitals due to the pandemic.

The programme below summarizes the rich content of the congress, which will be discussed mainly by specialists on topics and aired live in Turkish via the Turkish Thoracic Society's social media accounts (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram). Additionally, you can follow this congress with simultaneous English translation via another YouTube channel "Turkish Thoracic Society” at

(All times are UTC+3)

26 February 2022

12:00-12:25Opening session: Why do we need to plan a congress for the public?
Oya Itil, Benan Müsellim, Füsun Topçu
12:30-12:55Should I have a check-up for lung diseases?
Çağla Uyanusta Küçük, Osman Elbek
13:00-13:25Why am I coughing for so long?
Elif Şen, Ali Fuat Kalyoncu
13:30-13:55I'm unable to quit smoking; am I frail?
Seren Arpaz, Oğuz Kılınç
14:00-14:25Electronic cigarette: Being caught in hail while escaping the rain
Aslı Görek Dilektaşlı, Elif Dağlı
14:30-14:55There is no miracle cure for COPD
Sibel Naycı, Cantürk Taşçı
15:00-15:25Why are my inhaler medications not working? (Patient usage mistakes)
Ebru Damadoğlu, Feride Taşkın Yılmaz
15:30-15:55Respiratory rehabilitation in chronic lung diseases
Pınar Ergün, İpek Candemir
16:00-16:25Is tuberculosis still around in this day and age?
Şeref Özkara, Aylin Babalık
16:30-16:55Should I be concerned about a lung nodule?
Sevin Başer Öncel, Pınar Çelik
17:00-17:25Does my obsession with hygiene makes me a patient with pulmonary disease?
Neşe Direk, Bilun Gemicioğlu
17:30-17:55Snoring can be a sign of a serious medical condition
Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu, Baran Balcan
18:00-18:25Who is eligible for a lung transplant?
Özlem Özdemir Kumbasar, Erdal Yekeler

27 February 2022

12:00-12.25Why Is the pandemic not ending? Is this our fate?
Oya İtil, Osman Elbek
12:30-12:55What is the impact of the climate crisis and air pollution on our health?
Ali Kocabaş, Cavit Işık Yavuz
13:00-13:25Myths and truths about the Covid-19 vaccine
Cüneyt Saltürk
13:30-13:55What concerns you about the COVID, influenza, and pneumonia vaccines?
Füsun Eyüboğlu, Abdullah Sayıner
14:00-14:25Should I vaccinate my child with Covid-19 vaccine?
Elif Dağlı, Mehmet Ceyhan
14:30-14:55What to do while staying at home with COVID? What should you pay attention to?
Göksel Altınışık Ergur, Öner Dikensoy
15:00-15:25I had COVID, when will my shortness of breath improve?
Oğuz Uzun, Serap Argun, Züleyha Bingöl
15:30-15:55Your inquiries regarding Covid-19 and the risk of blood clots
Aslıhan Gürün Kaya, Serhat Erol
16:00-16:25My relative with COVID is in intensive care unit
Özlem Ediboğlu, Nalan Adıgüzel
16:30-16:55Precautions against COVID in the workplaces
Peri Arbak, Haluk Çalışır
17:00-17:25All aspects of Covid-19 in patients with asthma and allergy
Dilşad Mungan, Kıvılcım Oğuz Özülgen
17:30-17:55The pandemic-related deaths of healthcare personnel
Pınar Bostan
18:00-18:30Closing Session

Turkish Thoracic Society:

APSR Covid-19 Vaccine in Adolescents: Myth and Fact
from Singapore
Friday 15 October 2021

Post-webinar video available until 31 January 2022 (APSR members only)
APSR Covid-19 symposium
Thursday 28 January 2021
See also the post-conference report
APSR webinar
Asia-Pacific expert panel
Thursday 14 January 2021
Joint en bloc scoiety - APSR symposium
at the 2020 Annual Congress of Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
12 December 2020
Global Health Challenges for the New Decade webinar
Asia-Pacific expert panel
15-17 July 2020
APSR webinar
Asia-Pacific expert panel
Wednesday 29 April 2020
APSR webinar
Asia-Pacific expert panel
Wednesday 22 April 2020
ATS-APSR joint webinar Global Perspectives on COVID-19 and subsequent Q&A
Fri/Sat 27 March 2020
of some of the above webinars can be heard at See also the webinar pages for their image slides, YouTube videos and post-webinar Q&A.