Registration help

Frequently asked questions

Question:How can I register for members-only access?
Answer:Click the registration link shown in the latest email sent to you, announcing the new APSR Bulletin issue.

The APSR Bulletin announcement is emailed to all APSR members every month. If you have become a member recently and not yet received the latest APSR Bulletin announcement, please contact your society's secretariat.
Question:Why do I need to register?
Answer:Some webpages are reserved for APSR members only. To see those pages you must log in. To be able to log in, you need to first register a user-id and a password.
Question:Do I need to register before I can log in?
Answer:Yes, but only one time. After you have registered, you can log in as many times as you wish.
Question:Do I need to register every time before I can log in?
Question:How can I find out whether I am "APSR member"?
Answer:If you joined the APSR directly, please contact the APSR Secretariat: to find out whether your membership is still current.

If you joined the APSR as part of a group membership (see the current list of APSR en-bloc member societies), please contact your society to find out whether they have included you in their APSR membership arrangements.
Question:How do I log in?
Answer:You can log in here by using the user-id and password that you have registered.
Question:What is my user-id and password?
Answer:They are the email address and password you chose when you registered to access members-only pages on the APSR website.
Question:How do I register my user-id and password?
Answer:Click the link shown in the latest email sent to you, announcing the new APSR Bulletin issue. (The Bulletin is emailed to all members every month.)

The registration page will ask you for your name and email address. That email address will be your user-id, and should be the same email address which the Society's secretariat used to send your Bulletin.

The registration page will also ask you for a password of your choice.

When you have entered your name, user-id and password, you are immediately registered.
Question:When I click the link in the email to register, I get an error message. What should I do?
Answer:If an error message appears, it is most likely because you are not using the registration link in the latest email announcing the new APSR Bulletin issue.

If you are certain you are using the correct link and still get an error message, please take a screen print of the message and email it to the APSR Secretariat for investigation.
Question:Should I include my title such as "Dr", or post-nominals such as "M.D." with my Family name or Given name(s)?
Answer:No, please enter only your name.

If you wish to change the title and/or post-nominals you entered on your membership application form, please contact the APSR Secretariat:
Question:My thoracic society is not listed as an APSR en-bloc member society. What should I do?
Answer:Please contact the APSR Secretariat:, and they will advise you.
Question:I cannot find my membership number. What should I do?
Answer:Type "unknown". When you find your membership number, you can change "unknown" to the correct number.
Question:Why do I have to use an email address as a user-id? Why can't I use my membership number or my name?
Answer:As with any other system, a user-id must be unique. Many members have joined through an APSR en-bloc society, and one society might use the same numbering system and range of numbers as another society. Therefore membership numbers are not always unique. Email addresses are always unique.

In addition, membership numbers can be easily forgotten or difficult to find. It's more likely you can remember your email address than your membership number.
Question:Can I change my user-id and other details later?
Answer:Yes. Click here.
Question:Can I change my password later?
Answer:Yes. Click here
Question:If I change my user-id or password, do I need to register again?
Question:Is my registration for access to members-only pages the same as my registration for the congress?

To register for accessing members-only pages on the APSR website, click the registration link shown in the latest email sent to you, announcing the new APSR Bulletin issue. (See above)

To register for the Congress, click the link on the Congress website. (The website changes each year. For the latest, click here.)
Question:I have another question. Who should I contact?
Answer:Please write to the APSR Secretariat at