Fellow of the APSR (FAPSR) application

2024 Application deadline: 30 June 2024

Applications are currently closed.
The application period is from 1 May until 30 June each year.

Fellow of the APSR (FAPSR) is a special supplementary status for APSR members.

Eligibility criteria

You can apply to become a Fellow of the APSR if:

  1. You are currently an APSR Ordinary member (i.e., not an Associate, Undergraduate Student or Honorary member) and have paid membership dues for the current year, either directly to the APSR ("Individual membership") or through your APSR membership with an APSR en bloc society ("en bloc membership")

  2. You have been a member of the APSR for at least the last five years

  3. You have contributed to APSR activities, such as

    - working or holding position(s) in the APSR


    - have had articles published in Respirology and/or Respirology Case Reports


    - have attended at least three APSR Congresses within the past five years.


  1. Application fee: US$30
    • You will be asked to pay this fee with your application.
    • The money will go towards the administration costs of processing your application, and therefore cannot be refunded if you withdraw your application, or if your application is not accepted, or any other reason.
  2. Registration fee: US$70
    • When your application has been successful you will be asked to pay the registration fee within one month of the notification of your success.
    • The fee is not refundable if you cease to become a Fellow of the APSR or any other reason.


  • Applications are accepted once a year in May and June
  • You must submit an application form, your CV, and signed letters of recommendation from two referees. Details are shown when you click the "Apply" button, below. When you submit your application, you will also be asked to pay the Application Fee.
  • You will be informed of the result of your application within two months after the application period has closed.
  • If your application is unsuccessful, you can re-apply in a following year, together with an application fee.

Selection process

  1. You will receive confirmation from the Secretariat when your application form, CV, letters of recommendation and application fee have been received. Confirmation usually takes about 7 business days.
  2. Your application will be screened initially to confirm it meets the required criteria and then passed to the APSR Membership Committee.
  3. Members of the Membership Committee will carefully consider your application, and if approved, will ask the APSR President to endorse it.
  4. The Secretariat will inform you of the result and if successful, ask you to pay the registration fee.
  5. You will become a Fellow when the upon receipt of that registration fee by the designated date.


When you are a Fellow:

  • You will be entitled to use the FAPSR post nominal.
  • Your admittance as a Fellow will be announced in the APSR Bulletin, social media (Facebook, X, Instagram) and added to the register of Fellows on the APSR website. (When you register for FAPSR, you will have the option to be excluded from those announcements.)
  • A Certificate stating the conferment of Fellowship will be prepared and sent to you. Please note that printing can sometimes take a month. Your Certificate will be posted to you as soon as it has been created.
  • New Fellows are announced at the APSR Congress Opening Ceremony.
  • If you wish to withdraw from being a Fellow and/or your APSR membership ceases, your name will be removed from the FAPSR register and the APSR website, and you will not be entitled to use the FAPSR post nominal.
Applications currently not accepted


The following office holders must be Fellows from the year 2025 if they are aged 41 or older during their term of office:
  • Executive Committee members
  • APSR Assembly leaders (Heads, Heads-Elect and Deputy Heads)
  • APSR Section Leaders
  • Councillors