Recent donations

This campaign will run for the next -16 days (to 30 June 2024 ).

Funds are being built to award early-career doctors who are making efforts to expand their knowledge and skill, especially those who present abstract at the APSR annual congress.

For the top-ranking papers in each of the APSR assembly fields, two delegates from the congress host country, two from LMICs (low and middle-income countries)*, and two from HICs (high-income countries), will be invited to make presentation their work at their Assembly members’ meeting at the congress.

They will benefit from the opportunity to speak (in English) to selected audiences that include the Assembly leaders and experts from the Education Committee, who will give them feedback and advice. Each of the six awardees will be presented with US$250. There are 16 Assemblies and therefore the target for the fund is US$24,000.

Your donation, big or small, will be greatly valued. A certificate will be sent to you when your donation has been received.

See the circa 300 donors who have given financial support to the APSR's work over the past few years.

Some have given regularly, some just once, yet all are profoundly thanked for their direct help towards realising the APSR's vision and mission.

Donors since 1 July 2023

We are delighted to acknowledge the following who have kindly donated since 1 July 2023:

Yasser Alkassar

Chin Kook Rhee

Your regular donation, or just a single one-time donation, would be most welcome.

Even a small amount can help to support early-career doctors.

* LMIC:A country with a Low-, Lower-Middle, or Upper Middle-Income economy
HIC:A country a High-Income economy
Lists of LMICs and HICs can be seen at