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October 2022
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796Recommendations from The Medical Education Editor
Mark Lavercombe MBBS, SpecCertClinLead, GDipClinEd, FRACP, FCCP, FAPSR
799Vaccination in patients with COPD: COVID has raised the bar
Grant Waterer MD, PhD

See related article
801Rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated antibodies in non-connective tissue interstitial lung disease: The chicken or the egg?
Yuben Moodley MBChB FCP FRACP MD PhD

See related article
804Another line of defence
Daniel P Steinfort MBBS, PhD BMed Sci, Douglas F Johnson PhD

See related article
806Breathlessness: Remembering the worst of it
Anne E Holland BAppSc(Physio), PhD, Janet Bondarenko BPhty, PostGradDip(Public Health)

See related article
808Endotyping in sleep surgery: Not ready for primetime
Stuart G MacKay FRACS, Andrew Jones FRACP

See related article
810World Lung Day 2022—Lung health for all
David Chi-Leung Lam MD, PhD
812Sleep medicine is more than just obstructive sleep apnoea
Darren R Mansfield PhD
Emerging Innovations, Interventions and Directions in Thoracic Imaging
815Transformative radiology: Chest imaging is being re-defined
Kenneth K Lau, John M Troupis, David Parsons
818Innovations in thoracic imaging: CT, radiomics, AI and x-ray velocimetry
Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, Andreas Fouras, Colin Jacobs, Nickolas Papanikolaou

See related Editorial
834Bayesian adaptive clinical trial designs for respiratory medicine
Elizabeth G Ryan, Dominique-Laurent Couturier, Stephane Heritier
Effectiveness of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations
Yan Li, Pingshu Zhang, Zhijie An, Chenyan Yue, Yamin Wang, Yunqiu Liu, Xiaodong Yuan, Ying Ma, Keli Li, Zundong Yin, Liye Wang, Huaqing Wang

We studied the effectiveness of trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23), separately and combined, at preventing acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia and related hospitalization. TIV and PPSV23 vaccine combined appeared to reduce the incidence of adverse COPD outcomes most effectively. Separately or together, their effectiveness for preventing AECOPD was the greatest. On their own, TIV seemed more effective than PPSV23.

See related Editorial
Interstitial Lung Disease
854Clinical relevance of rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated peptides in fibrotic interstitial lung disease
Boyang Zheng, Kathryn Donohoe, Nathan Hambly, Kerri A Johannson, Deborah Assayag, Jolene H Fisher, Helene Manganas, Veronica Marcoux, Nasreen Khalil, Martin Kolb, Christopher J Ryerson, on behalf of the CARE-PF Investigators

We show that rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated peptide antibody are not associated with outcomes or response to immunosuppression in patients with interstitial lung diseases not due to connective tissue disease, indicating the need for future studies to test the prognostic impact of other clinical and radiological features that may predict response to therapy.

See related Editorial
Interventional Pulmonology
863Prevention of droplet dispersal with ‘e-mask’: A new daily use endoscopic mask during bronchoscopy
Takayasu Ito, Shotaro Okachi, Kazuhide Sato, Hirotoshi Yasui, Noriaki Fukatsu, Masahiko Ando, Toyofumi Fengshi Chen-Yoshikawa, Hideo Saka

A new type of endoscopic mask (e-mask) reduced the number and volume of dispersed airborne particles during bronchoscopy. No significant differences in adverse events or complications during bronchoscopy were observed between the use of the e-mask and a patient wearing no mask, supporting its enhanced protection and safety during bronchoscopy.

See related Editorial
Lung Function
874Comparing recalled versus experienced symptoms of breathlessness ratings: An ecological assessment study using mobile phone technology
Jacob Sandberg, Josefin Sundh, Peter Anderberg, David C Currow, Miriam Johnson, Robert Lansing, Magnus Ekström

Recall of breathlessness is essential for clinical care but might differ from the momentary symptoms. This study reports that the peak momentary breathlessness most strongly influences recalled breathlessness over the past 7 days. Recall for 1 day was influenced the most by the mean breathlessness value for that day.

See related Editorial
Pleural Disease
882Ipsilateral and contralateral hemidiaphragm dynamics in symptomatic pleural effusion: The 2nd PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE-2) Study
Deirdre B Fitzgerald, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, Carolyn J Peddle-McIntyre, Y C Gary Lee, Bhajan Singh

This is the first study to show that symptomatic pleural effusion is associated with compensatory contralateral hemidiaphragm hyperactivity. Breathlessness improvement post-drainage is associated with improved ipsilateral hemidiaphragm dynamics and normalization of contralateral activity.

Sleep and Ventilation
890Examining the impact of multilevel upper airway surgery on the obstructive sleep apnoea endotypes and their utility in predicting surgical outcomes
Ai-Ming Wong, Shane A Landry, Simon A Joosten, Luke D J Thomson, Anthony Turton, Jeremy Stonehouse, Darren R Mansfield, Glen Burgess, Andrew Hays, Scott A Sands, Christopher Andara, Caroline J Beatty, Garun S Hamilton, Bradley A Edwards

This is the first study to measure how upper airway surgery affects all four obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) endotypes using both the continuous positive airway pressure dial-down and clinical polysomnographic methods. Using either method, surgery unpredictably altered the upper airway anatomy/collapsibility and did not alter the non-anatomical endotypes. None of the baseline OSA endotypes were able to predict the response to surgery.

See related Editorial
Leading women in respiratory medicine: The role of the APSR in promoting gender equity and inclusiveness
Fanny Wai San Ko MD, Natasha Smallwood BMedSci, MBBS, SpecCertPallCare, MSc (Epid), FRCP, FRACP, PhD
Special Series: Leading Women in Respiratory Medicine
Series Editors: Natasha Smallwood and Fanny Wai San Ko

See related editorial
903Letter from Austria
Michael Schreinlechner MD, Fabian Theurl MD
This article corrects the following:
Corticosteroid use is not associated with improved outcomes in acute exacerbation of IPF
Erica Farrand, Eric Vittinghoff, Brett Ley, Atul J Butte, Harold R Collard


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Australian Lung Cancer Conference 2023
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Essential update in lung cancer medicine
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2017 MarVol. 22 Supplement 1
Airway Vista abstracts
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Airway Inflammation
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2013 NovVol. 18 Issue 8
2013 OctVol. 18 Supplement 4
APSR Congress Abstracts
2013 NovVol. 18 Supplement 3
Airway Inflammation
2013 OctVol. 18 Issue 7
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2010 NovVol. 15 Supplement 2
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2010 FebVol. 15 Issue 2
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2009 NovVol. 14 Issue 8
2009 NovVol. 14 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2009 OctVol. 14 Supplement 2
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2009 SepVol. 14 Issue 7
2009 Vol. 14 Issue 6
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2008 NovVol. 13 Issue 7
2008 NovVol. 13 Supplement 5
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Lung Disease
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2008 SepVol. 13 Supplement 3
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2008 JunVol. 13 Issue 4
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2008 AprVol. 13 Supplement 2
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ESAP Abstracts
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2007 NovVol. 12 Supplement 3
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2007 SepVol. 12 Issue 5
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2007 MayVol. 12 Issue 3
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2007 MarVol. 12 Issue 2
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2006 NovVol. 11 Supplement 5
APSR Congress Abstracts
2006 NovVol. 11 Issue 6
2006 SepVol. 11 Supplement 4
Guidelines: Cough
2006 SepVol. 11 Supplement 3
Guidelines: Respiratory Infections
2006 SepVol. 11 Issue 5
2006 JulVol. 11 Issue 4
2006 MayVol. 11 Issue 3
2006 MarVol. 11 Supplement 2
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2006 MarVol. 11 Issue 2
2006 JanVol. 11 Supplement 1
Surfactant Molecular Pathophysiology
2006 JanVol. 11 Issue 1
2005 NovVol. 10 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2005 NovVol. 10 Supplement 2
Respiratory function tests
2005 NovVol. 10 Issue 5
2005 SepVol. 10 Issue 4
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2005 MarVol. 10 Supplement 1
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2005 MarVol. 10 Issue 2
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APSR Congress Abstracts
2004 NovVol. 9 Issue 4
2004 AugVol. 9 Issue 3
2004 JunVol. 9 Issue 2
2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 2
APSR Congress Abstracts
2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 1
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2004 MarVol. 9 Issue 1
2003 DecVol. 8 Issue 4
2003 NovVol. 8 Supplement 1
2003 SepVol. 8 Issue 3
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2003 AprVol. 8 Supplement 2
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2003 MarVol. 8 Issue 1
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2002 MarVol. 7 Supplement 1
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2002 MarVol. 7 Issue 1
2001 DecVol. 6 Issue 4
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Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases
2001 JunVol. 6 Issue 2
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