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September 2021
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825Unravelling the effects of omalizumab on fibrocytes
Patrick Berger MD, PhD, Isabelle Dupin PhD
828We can do better in COPD: Time for action to preserve body composition
Lisa G Wood PhD, RNutr
830Long-term changes to lung mechanics following smoke exposure are cause for concern
Stephanie Holm MD, PhD, MPH
832Pulmonary vascular involvement in COVID-19 pneumonitis: Is this the first and final insult?
Laura Claire Price MBChB, BSc, PhD, FRCP, Carole Ridge FFRRCSI, Athol U Wells MBChB, FRACP, MD, FRCP, FRCR
835Pharmacotherapy for obstructive sleep apnoea: Is the magic bullet in sight?
Mary S M Ip, Ka-Fai Chung
837Pulmonary fibrosis: Where from and where to?
Yet H Khor BMedSci, MBBS, FRACP, PhD
840The 1918 influenza and COVID-19 pandemics: The effect of age on outcomes
Paul T King MBBS, PhD, Sarah L Londrigan BSc, PhD
Asthma and Allergy
842Anti-IgE therapy inhibits chemotaxis, proliferation and transformation of circulating fibrocytes in patients with severe allergic asthma
Chun-Hua Wang, Chih-Ming Weng, Tzu-Ting Huang, Meng-Jung Lee, Chun-Yu Lo, Mei-Chuan Chen, Chun-Liang Chou, Han-Pin Kuo

Omalizumab suppressed fibrocyte chemotaxis, proliferation and myofibroblast transformation in severe allergic asthma patients. IL-33 and IL-13 may be implicated in the effectiveness of omalizumab in inhibiting fibrocyte activation contributing partly to the clinical benefits in reducing lamina propria and basement membrane thickening.

851Longitudinal changes in total and regional body composition in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Felipe V C Machado, Martijn A Spruit, Miranda Coenjaerds, Fabio Pitta, Niki L Reynaert, Frits M E Franssen

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) present a significant decline in total, leg and trunk low fat-free mass (FFM), while arms FFM remains stable after 2 years of follow-up. We identified a subgroup of patients with preserved FFM at baseline and history of previous hospitalizations that present greater decline in total and leg FFM compared to other patients with COPD.

Environmental and Occupational Lung Disease
861Long-term impact of coal mine fire smoke on lung mechanics in exposed adults
Nicolette R Holt, Caroline X Gao, Brigitte M Borg, David Brown, Jonathan C Broder, Jillian Ikin, Annie Makar, Thomas McCrabb, Kris Nilsen, Bruce R Thompson, Michael J Abramson

Four years after a mine fire of 6 weeks duration, each 10 μg/m3 increase in particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm (PM2.5) exposure was associated with negative respiratory system reactance equivalent to 4.7 years of ageing, and an increase in the area under the reactance curve equivalent to 3.9 years of ageing, in exposed adults.

Respiratory Infections
COVID-19: Histopathological correlates of imaging patterns on chest computed tomography
Azar Kianzad, Lilian J Meijboom, Esther J Nossent, Eva Roos, Bernadette Schurink, Peter I Bonta, Inge A H van den Berk, Rieneke Britstra, Jaap Stoker, Anton Vonk Noordegraaf, Paul van der Valk, Erik Thunnissen, Marianna Bugiani, Harm Jan Bogaard, Teodora Radonic

We present direct regional comparison of the most frequently observed pulmonary computed tomography (CT) patterns with corresponding histopathological patterns in an autopsy cohort of eight coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. While different stages of diffuse alveolar damage are key tissue substrates of the CT patterns in COVID-19, vascular damage and thrombosis contribute to these typical radiological findings as well.

Sleep and Ventilation
878Addition of zolpidem to combination therapy with atomoxetine-oxybutynin increases sleep efficiency and the respiratory arousal threshold in obstructive sleep apnoea: A randomized trial
Ludovico Messineo, Sophie G Carter, Luigi Taranto-Montemurro, Alan Chiang, Andrew Vakulin, Robert J Adams, Jayne C Carberry, Danny J Eckert

Combined atomoxetine and oxybutynin (Ato-Oxy) has been shown to decrease obstructive sleep apnoea severity, yet with a slight decrease of the arousal threshold. Here, we show that the addition of zolpidem counteracted the ‘wake-promoting’ properties of Ato-Oxy and increased sleep efficiency and the arousal threshold, but impaired next-day driving simulator performance.

Scientific Letter
887A method to improve genetic analysis of lung cancer samples
Tadashi Sakaguchi, Akemi Iketani, Kazuki Furuhashi, Yuki Nakamura, Yuta Suzuki, Kentaro Ito, Kentaro Fujiwara, Yoichi Nishii, Koji Katsuta, Osamu Taguchi, Osamu Hataji
891COVID-19 situation in Pakistan: A broad overview
Muhammad Imran MBBS, FCPS, Sajjad Khan MBBS, MPH, Shahid Khan MBBS, MPH, Azhar Uddin MBBS, FCPS, Muhammad Salman Khan MBBS, Preshit Ambade BAMS, MHA, DrPH
893Letter from South Africa—COVID-19: The good, the bad and the ugly
Diane M Gray MBChB, PhD


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Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
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Lung Disease
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2006 NovVol. 11 Issue 6
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Guidelines: Cough
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Guidelines: Respiratory Infections
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2006 MarVol. 11 Issue 2
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Surfactant Molecular Pathophysiology
2006 JanVol. 11 Issue 1
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APSR Congress Abstracts
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Respiratory function tests
2005 NovVol. 10 Issue 5
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2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 1
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2004 MarVol. 9 Issue 1
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2002 MarVol. 7 Supplement 1
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2002 MarVol. 7 Issue 1
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Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases
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