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Previous issue Volume 29 Issue 05
May 2024
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356Optimal clinical practice in IPF and PPF: Integrating the scientific ethos and clinical reasoning
Athol U Wells MD, FRACP

See related article
359Using change in 6-minute walk distance to predict survival in progressive pulmonary fibrosis: A promising measure in need of precision
Anne E Holland BAppSc(Phty), PhD, Leona Dowman BSpSc, MAppSc, PhD

See related article
361Diabetes and lung function: Linked, but how?
Alan James MBBS, FRACP, PhD

See related article
363Let's talk about obesity in respiratory disease
Vanessa Marie McDonald BNurs, PhD, FThorSoc
366Chronic cough: New guidelines, new approaches and new treatments
Richard Turner PhD, Stuart Mazzone PhD, Surinder Birring MD
369Clinical trials and clinical trials networks
Ary Serpa Neto, Rinaldo Bellomo
372Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand position statement: The safe clinical use of sputum induction for bio-sampling of the lower airways in children and adults
André Schultz, Sathya Balaguruswamy, Ruth Dentice, Claudia C Dobler, James Geake, Peter Gibson, Patricia Goulter, Lata Jayaram, Pamela J Laird, Peter G Middleton, Helen Seale
Environmental and Occupational Lung Disease
379Hyun Woo Lee, Hyo Jin Lee, Sohee Oh, Jung-Kyu Lee, Eun Young Heo, Deog Kyeom Kim

The combined effect of annual changes in NO2, O3, PM2.5, SO2 and CO concentrations were associated with an increased risk of small airway dysfunction.

Interstitial Lung Disease
387Use of 6-minute walk distance to predict lung transplant-free survival in fibrosing non-IPF interstitial lung diseases
Umberto Zanini, Fabrizio Luppi, Karina Kaur, Niccolò Anzani, Giovanni Franco, Giovanni Ferrara, Meena Kalluri, Marco Mura

We show that a 6MWD decline from baseline predicts lung transplant-free survival in fibrosing ILDs. It is a robust and independent predictor of survival in fibrosing ILDs, with accuracy even superior to that of ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT functional criteria. The implementation of 6MWD in the assessment of disease progression may be considered.
See related editorial

Interventional Pulmonology
396Comparison of the specimen quality of endobronchial ultrasound-guided intranodal forceps biopsy using standard-sized forceps versus mini forceps for lung cancer: A prospective study
Toshiyuki Nakai, Yuji Matsumoto, Takahiro Ueda, Yuko Kuwae, Sayaka Tanaka, Atsushi Miyamoto, Yoshiya Matsumoto, Kenji Sawa, Kanako Sato, Kazuhiro Yamada, Tetsuya Watanabe, Kazuhisa Asai, Hideaki Furuse, Keigo Uchimura, Tatsuya Imabayashi, Riki Uenishi, Mitsuru Fukui, Hidenori Tanaka, Masahiko Ohsawa, Tomoya Kawaguchi, Takaaki Tsuchida

This study compared the specimen quality of endobronchial ultrasound-guided intranodal forceps biopsies (EBUS-IFB) using standard-sized forceps versus miniforceps in advanced-stage lung cancer. The results revealed that the standard-sized forceps provided higher-quality and larger specimens compared to the miniforceps, potentially improving clinical impact in treatment and biomarker analysis.

405The TSANZ and Lung Foundation Australia 2023 landscape survey of lung cancer care across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
Jessica Nash, Tracy Leong, Paul Dawkins, Emily Stone, Henry Marshall, Fraser Brims, on behalf of the LUCAP investigator team

Variation in the quality of lung cancer care may, in part, reflect variation in workforce and infrastructure. This large survey of institutions treating lung cancer in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand demonstrates persistent shortfalls in workforce and infrastructure, including at MDT. Investment in health infrastructure is required to alleviate these deficiencies.

Lung Function
Trajectory of lung function in diabetic adults: A 16-year follow-up study of community-based prospective cohorts
Wonsuk Choi, Joon Ho Moon, Hayoung Choi, Hyun Lee, Hee Kyung Kim, Ho-Cheol Kang, Nam H Cho

This study followed 6483 adults within community-based cohorts for 16 years, and investigated cross-sectional and longitudinal changes in lung function according to diabetes status. Individuals with diabetes or prediabetes had lower baseline lung function as well as faster decline over time, resulting in an increased prevalence of ventilatory disorders.
See related editorial

Scientific Letter
421The impact of hiatus hernia in hypersensitivity pneumonitis
David A Heriot, Carmel J W Stock, Zain-Ul-Abideen Mumtaz, R Gisli Jenkins, Felix Chua, Phillip L Molyneaux, Anand Devaraj, Vasilis Kouranos, Athol U Wells, Elizabetta A Renzoni, Simon P G Padley, Sujal R Desai, Peter M George
Respirology Column
426Local knowledge: Every surfer knows the feeling
Peter Gerard Gibson MBBS, DMed
428Transforming recruitment to clinical trials in COPD
Tanya Patrick BSc, MRCP, John R Hurst PhD, FRCP
Letter from Asia-Pacific and Beyond
430Letter from Canada: Global warming and wildfire smoke pollution emerging as major threats to respiratory health
Allison Michaud MD, Richard Leigh MBChB
432Reply to: Optimal clinical practice in IPF and PPF: Integrating scientific ethos and clinical reasoning
John A Mackintosh MBBS, FRACP, Gregory Keir MBBS, FRACP, PhD, Tamera J Corte MBBS, FRACP, PhD, on behalf of the authors

See related editorial
434Is continuous positive airway pressure truly superior to high-flow nasal cannula in managing acute hypoxemic respiratory failure?
Toshiro Goto MD, Yuki Kataoka MD, MPH, DrPH

See related Reply
435Reply to: 'Is continuous positive airway pressure truly superior to high-flow nasal cannula in managing acute hypoxemic respiratory failure?'
Kazuma Nagata MD, Toshiki Yokoyama MD, PhD, Ryosuke Tsugitomi MD, on behalf of the authors and the JaNP-Hi Study Investigators

See related Letter
437This article retracts the following:


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2023 JunVol. 28 Issue 6
2023 MayVol. 28 Issue 5
2023 AprVol. 28 Issue 4
2023 MarVol. 28 Issue 3
2023 MarVol. 28 Supplement 3
Australian Lung Cancer Conference 2023
2023 MarVol. 28 Supplement 2
ANZSRS/TSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
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2023 FebVol. 28 Supplement 1
APSR 2022 Congress Abstracts
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2022 SepWorld Lung Day 2022
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2022 AugVol. 27 Issue 8
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Special Issue: Occupational Lung Health
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2021 AprVol. 26 Issue s2
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2021 MarVol. 26 Issue 3
2021 FebVol. 26 Issue 2
2021 JanVol. 26 Issue s1
Supplement: APSR Assembly Virtual Meetings
2021 JanVol. 26 Issue 1
2020 DecVol. 25 Issue 12
2020 NovVol. 25 Issue 11
2020 NovVol. 25 Issue s2
Essential update in lung cancer medicine
2020 OctVol. 25 Issue 10
2020 SepVol. 25 Issue 9
Special issue: Interventional Pulmonoogy pearls
2020 AugVol. 25 Issue 8
2020 JulVol. 25 Issue 7
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2019 MayVol. 24 Issue 5
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2019 FebVol. 24 Issue 2
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2018 NovVol. 23 Issue 11
2018 OctVol. 23 Issue 10
2018 SepVol. 23 Issue 9
2018 AugVol. 23 Issue 8
2018 JulVol. 23 Issue 7
2018 JunVol. 23 Issue 6
2018 MayVol. 23 Issue 5
2018 AprVol. 23 Issue 4
2018 MarVol. 23 Supplement 1
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2018 MarVol. 23 Issue 3
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2017 NovVol. 22 Supplement 3
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2017 NovVol. 22 Issue 8
2017 OctVol. 22 Issue 7
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2017 AprVol. 22 Issue 3
2017 MarVol. 22 Supplement 2
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2017 MarVol. 22 Supplement 1
Airway Vista abstracts
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2016 NovVol. 21 Supplement 3
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2016 NovVol. 21 Issue 8
2016 OctVol. 21 Issue 7
2016 AugVol. 21 Issue 6
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2016 MayVol. 21 Issue 4
2016 AprVol. 21 Supplement 2
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2016 AprVol. 21 Issue 3
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2015 DecVol. 20 Supplement 3
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2014 NovVol. 19 Issue 8
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Airway Inflammation
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2014 JanVol. 19 Issue 1
2013 NovVol. 18 Issue 8
2013 OctVol. 18 Supplement 4
APSR Congress Abstracts
2013 NovVol. 18 Supplement 3
Airway Inflammation
2013 OctVol. 18 Issue 7
2013 AugVol. 18 Issue 6
2013 JulVol. 18 Issue 5
2013 MayVol. 18 Issue 4
2013 AprVol. 18 Issue 3
2013 AprVol. 18 Supplement 2
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2013 AprVol. 18 Supplement 1
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2012 DecVol. 17 Supplement 2
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2012 NovVol. 17 Issue 8
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2011 NovVol. 16 Issue 8
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2011 OctVol. 16 Issue 7
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2011 AprVol. 16 Supplement 1
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2010 NovVol. 15 Supplement 2
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2010 NovVol. 15 Issue 8
2010 OctVol. 15 Issue 7
2010 AugVol. 15 Issue 6
2010 JulVol. 15 Issue 5
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2010 AprVol. 15 Issue 3
2010 MarVol. 15 Supplement 1
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2010 FebVol. 15 Issue 2
2010 JanVol. 15 Issue 1
2009 NovVol. 14 Issue 8
2009 NovVol. 14 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2009 OctVol. 14 Supplement 2
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2009 SepVol. 14 Issue 7
2009 Vol. 14 Issue 6
2009 JulVol. 14 Issue 5
2009 MayVol. 14 Issue 4
2009 AprVol. 14 Issue 3
2009 AprVol. 14 Supplement 1
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2009 MarVol. 14 Issue 2
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2008 NovVol. 13 Issue 7
2008 NovVol. 13 Supplement 5
APSR Congress Abstracts
2008 NovVol. 13 Supplement 4
Lung Disease
2008 SepVol. 13 Issue 6
2008 SepVol. 13 Supplement 3
2008 JulVol. 13 Issue 5
2008 JunVol. 13 Issue 4
2008 MayVol. 13 Issue 3
2008 AprVol. 13 Supplement 2
ANZSRS and TSANZ Abstracts
2008 MarVol. 13 Supplement 1
ESAP Abstracts
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2007 NovVol. 12 Supplement 4
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2007 NovVol. 12 Supplement 3
2007 NovVol. 12 Issue 6
2007 SepVol. 12 Issue 5
2007 JulVol. 12 Issue 4
2007 MayVol. 12 Supplement 2
ESAP Abstracts
2007 MayVol. 12 Issue 3
2007 MarVol. 12 Supplement 1
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2007 MarVol. 12 Issue 2
2007 JanVol. 12 Issue 1
2006 NovVol. 11 Supplement 5
APSR Congress Abstracts
2006 NovVol. 11 Issue 6
2006 SepVol. 11 Supplement 4
Guidelines: Cough
2006 SepVol. 11 Supplement 3
Guidelines: Respiratory Infections
2006 SepVol. 11 Issue 5
2006 JulVol. 11 Issue 4
2006 MayVol. 11 Issue 3
2006 MarVol. 11 Supplement 2
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2006 MarVol. 11 Issue 2
2006 JanVol. 11 Supplement 1
Surfactant Molecular Pathophysiology
2006 JanVol. 11 Issue 1
2005 NovVol. 10 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2005 NovVol. 10 Supplement 2
Respiratory function tests
2005 NovVol. 10 Issue 5
2005 SepVol. 10 Issue 4
2005 JunVol. 10 Issue 3
2005 MarVol. 10 Supplement 1
ANZSRS and TSANZ abstracts
2005 MarVol. 10 Issue 2
2005 JanVol. 10 Issue 1
2004 DecVol. 9 Supplement 3
APSR Congress Abstracts
2004 NovVol. 9 Issue 4
2004 AugVol. 9 Issue 3
2004 JunVol. 9 Issue 2
2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 2
APSR Congress Abstracts
2004 MarVol. 9 Supplement 1
Guidelines: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
2004 MarVol. 9 Issue 1
2003 DecVol. 8 Issue 4
2003 NovVol. 8 Supplement 1
2003 SepVol. 8 Issue 3
2003 JunVol. 8 Issue 2
2003 AprVol. 8 Supplement 2
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2003 MarVol. 8 Issue 1
2002 DecVol. 7 Issue 4
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2002 JunVol. 7 Issue 2
2002 MarVol. 7 Supplement 1
APSR Congress Abstracts
2002 MarVol. 7 Issue 1
2001 DecVol. 6 Issue 4
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Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases
2001 JunVol. 6 Issue 2
2001 MarVol. 6 Issue 1
2000 DecVol. 5 Issue 4
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2000 JunVol. 05 Supplement 2
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1999 AprVol. 04 Supplement 1
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